Accessing the DTD

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My Pov

I came to the house and nearly broke the door down pounding on it.

"Yami! Grandma! Open the door!" I yelled. I heard a whimper from the inside as Yami opened the door.

"You woke up your son." Yami said. I rushed past her. Tai was fussing and reaching for someone to hold onto.

"Sorry." I walked right over to my little baby and picked him up. "I'm so sorry sweetie." I said. I kissed his forehead. He giggled and tugged on my bangs.

"Hikari, what happened to your hair?" Yami asked. I pointed to Clip who was near her feet. Both her and Stitch came into the house.

"I asked Clip to cut my hair." I said.

"Why?" Yami asked.

"It was getting to be too long and it would've gotten me in trouble." I said. Stitch looked at Tai with fascination. "This is my son Stitch." Tai felt around Stitch's face with his hands, fascinated with how soft his fur was.

"What did you come here to tell me? It had to be pretty urgent if you almost busted down the door." Yami said.

"I ran into Zexion and the others." I said. She seemed both surprised and relieved.

"What did they say?" Yami asked.

"They told me that they saw about a thousand Heartless in the Great Maw." I said. This caused all the color to drain from her face. Renamon became nervous and looked at Yami.

"Yami, if this is true, everyone is in danger." Renamon said.

"Are you sure?" Yami asked. I nodded feverishly. "You need to tell Leon and the others. Wait, where's Sora? It's very rare I see you far from him." I explained what happened and she became worried. "Maybe they're back..." I decided to take Tai with me since I had barely been with him, not that it could be helped. Yami and Renamon decided to follow. We walked back to the postern and I surprised to not see any Heartless attacking us. Thank goodness, though. We'd be somewhat vulnerable. We made my way back into the study to see Sora.

"Sora!" I tackled him into a hug, but was careful not to hurt Tai. "You're back!" I said, overjoyed. Salamon nuzzled Leafeon and RaichuVeemon. Tai giggled and reached out to grab Sora. Sora grasped Tai's tiny hand. "What happened?"

"Well, we got zapped into Ansem's computer, but Tron helped us escape." Sora said, explaining who Tron was and what he needed from them was to find the password to the DTD, which made me worry.

"So, I finally get to formally meet you Sora." Yami said.

"You're... Yami, Hikari's sister." Sora said. She nodded.

"You must be Yami's partner." Veemon said to Renamon, to which she nodded.

"Yes. I am Renamon." Renamon said. I noticed that the portrait of Xehanort had been taken down and the there was some writing. I walked over to it and cocked my head.

"What's all this writing?" I asked.

"Hollow... Main... Security... Tron... Door to..." Donald read out.

"Looks like some kind of diagram of somethin'." Goofy said.

"" Donald asked, sounding out the words.

"Oh! D— T— D!" Sora said.

"DTD!" we all said.

"What's up?" Leon asked.

"I think we may have found the dataspace. The DTD is short for the Door To Darkness." I said.

"What do you know... But... that still leaves the password." Leon said.

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