'Ol Timeless River

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My Pov

Merlin poofed himself and others back to the Hall. Merlin summoned a strange door. He told us that something was causing trouble in the world the door lead to. He warned us not to do anything to alter the world. Sora opened the door and we all stepped through. There was some shaking and then something forced us forward. I looked down at the ground to see was a gray color. That's when I looked all around the area to see everything was black and white.

"Hey, look! There's the Cornerstone of Light!" We looked at the direction Goofy pointed and saw the large stone sitting on four small rocks. Sora then looked at himself.

"What's going on? Everything's black and white." Sora said. I looked at Donald and Goofy and stifled a laugh. They both looked so funny looking. I also notice my clothes were all black and white and were much more simpler. I saw Salamon and Veemon and they were shades of gray, black and white and looked much simpler.

"Hey, this is kinda like... um... uh..." Donald stammered.

"Déjà vu?" Goofy asked.

"Yeah, that's it!" Donald said.

"Have you guys been here before?" I asked. Just then, someone ran past us. I couldn't believe it. It was Pete! He turned to us.

"Hey you! Seen any bad guys around here?" Pete asked. We all pointed to him. This got him mad. "Why I oughta..." We got ready to fight. "Bah! I don't have time to waste on punks like you. So, I guess I'll go easy on ya!" Pete runs off toward of to the pier.

"Well, there's our villain." Sora said. While Donald and Goofy nodded in agreement, I wasn't sure. There was something off about the Pete we had just seen. Plus, neither Salamon or Veemon had growled at him. We followed him to the pier.

"What's with you squirts? You got some kinda bone to pick with me?" Pete asked, annoyed.

"More than one!" Sora said.

"Them's fighting words!" Pete said. That's when the sound of a whistle interrupted the argument. Pete started going off, but we stepped in front of him.

"Not so fast!" Sora said.

"Yeah!" Donald said. We fought Pete and my thought that he wasn't the same Pete grew as we defeated him rather easily. Not only that but while we fought, anytime he was hit he'd panic and run like a scared little girl. He also didn't call any Heartless to back him up.

"What's you punks' beef with me anyway?" He cocked his head to a side, as if not recognizing us. "Who are ya? You new around here?" Pete asked. Now I was positive this wasn't the same Pete we knew.

"Cut the act." Sora said. Again, some kind of whistle sounded. Pete tried to get up, but a large cracking sound indicated he hurt something and fell backwards in pain.

"You know, somethin' doesn't seem quite right here. Are you sure you're Pete?" Goofy asked.

"Well, of COURSE I'm Pete. I'm the captain of the steamboat. So stop botherin' me, see?" Then there was another large crack. "So hit the road! I gotta go find the little runt what stole my steamboat!" Pete exclaimed.

"Gawrsh, maybe we made a mistake." Goofy said.

"I'm starting to think the same thing. He hasn't even called any Heartless." Sora pointed out.

"Yeah. I'm not getting a bad vibe from him like usual." Veemon said.

"We own him an apology." I said.

"We do. We did attack him for no reason." Salamon agreed.

"Sorry we attacked ya like that, Capta'n Pete." Goofy said.

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