Find Your Path

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My Pov

I opened my eyes but only saw black. I was relieved to see Sora, Donald and Goofy were here with me. Salamon and Veemon stayed close to us.

"What's this place?" Goofy asked.

"I think we might be in the realm of darkness." I said. The second I said that, Sora began calling out in the darkness.

"Kairi! Riku! Kage!" Sora called. There wasn't anyone else here but us. That's when I heard Donald exclaim.

"Who's there!?" Donald demanded. I looked and saw a member of the Organization standing there. It looked like he was holding a white box. Donald ran toward him, but he disappeared, leaving behind the box. "What is this?" Donald picked up the box and opened it.

"Are ya sure you wanna open...that?" Goofy asked. I looked inside. All there was inside was an ice cream bar and a photo. The photo was of Hayner, Pence Olette and two other teens I didn't recognize. The other girl had her arms wrapped around the other boy's torso while he had an arm wrapped around her. Donald handed the photo to Sora. "Gawrsh, it's the gang from Twilight Town. There's Hayner, Pence, Olette... and," Goofy said. For some reason, a name popped in my head. The same with Sora.

"Roxas." Sora said.

"Nikko." I said.

"You know them?" Donald asked.

"No. The name just popped into my head. That's Nikko." I said.

"Same with me. The name just popped up. These two are Roxas and Nikko." Sora said. Donald looked at the ice cream bar and went to take a bite.

"Are ya sure you wanna eat...that?" Goofy asked. Donald took a bite and shuddered.

"Salty... No... sweet!" Donald exclaimed. That's when the ice cream bar began glowing. Sora and I opened a new path and found ourselves in the Lanes Between. I was on my glider, with Salamon, and the others were in the gummi ship.

"I guess help comes from unexpected places." Sora said.

"Yeah, it does." I said.

"A photo and some ice cream? Hmm. Wonder if they're some sorta clue? And who woulda left 'em for us, anyway?" Goofy asked, wondering.

"Riku?" Sora suggested.

"Ya think?" Goofy asked.

"Just this feeling I got." Sora said.

"Look! We're almost there!" Donald said.

"We'll find Kairi, Riku and Kage soon." I said.

"Hey, what if the Heartless are back? Hikari and I can't use our Keyblades—that would only help the Organization." Sora said.

"Sora, I don't want to be of any help to those husks, but we have no choice. If we don't use our Keyblades, we can't stop the Heartless from hurting people." I said.

"I guess you're right. Oh! Hikari, I meant to say something before, what happened to you're hair?" Sora asked.

"I had someone cut it." I said.

"Why'd ya do that?" Goofy asked.

"It was too long and it would have let enemies grab me more easily." I said.

"That's smart." Donald said.

"It's gonna be weird not seeing you with your iris highlights anymore." Sora said. I thought about how I looked now too. I wonder if they'd ever grow back? They had the one time some kid in school decided to be funny and cut some of my hair off. Although, I still had the highlights.

"I think I look better without them." I said. We headed off to one of the worlds we had been to previously.

Yami's Pov

Well, the Heartless problem was taken care of. I just hope Hikari and the others were all right. I looked at Tai, who was fast asleep in his cradle. Clip was in the cradle with him, curled up at his feet. Stitch was beneath the cradle, acting as a guard dog. Renamon had returned to Viximon, who was curled around the cradle, but she was always on alert. That's when I heard footsteps, followed by a knock on the door. Believing it was grandma, I opened it. Only after opening it too much did I realize it was Xigbar.

"Why, hello there Yami." Xigbar said. I tried to slam the door shut, but he forced it opened and grabbed me.

"Let go!" I screamed. My scream woke up Stitch and Clip who started growling. Viximon started hissing. They jumped at him, ready to bite and scratch, but he shot some kind of bubble at them and trapped them. The commotion woke Tai up and he started crying.

"So, it is true. The Princess of Kingdom Hearts did have a kid." Xigbar said. My fear became anger when I heard that.

"You leave him alone!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Don't worry. I've been order not to hurt either of you. Not that I would. Can't hurt the bait." Xigbar said. Bait? He pushed me toward Tai. I picked him up and calmed him down. That's when I heard a click sound. I half-turned and saw him pointing one of his Arrowguns at me. He opened a portal, threw Stitch, Clip and Viximon through it and then gestured for me to go in. I realized it now. The Organization was going to use me and Tai as bait for Hikari and, possibly, Riku.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Boss's orders. Saïx also figured your cousin and sister's Heartless aren't enough to lure the princess and Keyblade master to us." Xigbar said. They had Kairi and Kage?! He pointed his Arrowgun at me again. I had no choice but to go through the portal. When I got to the other side, I found myself in a cell.

"Yami?" a voice asked. I turned and saw Kairi and Kage. Xiaomon and Kage's Nyaromon were next to them.

"Kairi! Kage!" I exclaimed. They ran to me and hugged me. I was so relieved to see they were safe. "How in the world did you end up here?"

"Axel brought us here." Kairi said. I knew that pyromaniac was bad news. I looked over them real quick and didn't see any injuries.

"They haven't hurt you, have they?" I asked. They shook their heads. That was good. Tai suddenly started fussing again.

"You brought Hikari and Riku's baby!?"

"I didn't had choice. They're using him as bait too." I said.

"Riku and Hikari had a baby?" Kairi asked. I gulped. Should I tell her?

"Uhhh..." Kage droned.

"I'll tell you, just hear everything before reacting, okay?" I asked. She nodded.

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