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My Pov

We had been sailing for a while. I had to sit down because my head was killing me. I don't know why, but ever since we set sail I've had this splitting headache and it seems to get worst with each passing minute. Sora seemed to notice.

"Hikari, are you alright?" Sora asked. I shook my head. Salamon rubbed her head on my leg.

"I feel like someone is repeatedly hitting me on the head with a hammer. It's not seasickness, that much I know." I said. I propped my elbow on the side and held my head up with my hand. Sora rubbed my back.

"Maybe you should go down into the cabin and rest." Sora said. I nodded and walked down into the lower room, Salamon following close behind. There was a small bench so I decided to lay down. I lay back and let the rocking of the ship lull me to sleep. My dreams were only filled with Riku.


I was playing hide-and-seek with Riku. I knew he wouldn't find me this time. I clutched Nyaromon close to me. I heard footsteps shuffling the sand not too far from me. I peeked to see it was Riku and Kyaromon. I covered my and Nyaromon's mouths to keep myself from making any sound. I heard the footsteps fade away. I peeked out to see Riku wasn't there anymore. I sighed, knowing I had fooled him. I turned around to see him looking down at me.

"How did you-? You were over there!" I said. He laughed a little. How did he get around without me seeing him?

"Well, I just made sure not to shift the ground underneath my feet too much, that way you didn't hear me." Riku said.

"Oh..." I said. I really thought I had him. Kyaromon jumped up and nuzzled Nyaromon then me. "That tickles, Kyaromon!"

"But, the reason I knew where you were is because I saw you peek out from your hiding place. I caught a glimpse of your hair when you went back to hiding. If you hadn't had done that, I probably would've given up." Riku explained. I mentally cursed myself. He held out his hand and I shyly took it. He helped me up and I dusted off my skirt.

"So, you're saying I'm getting better?" I asked.

"A little too much." Riku said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean I was getting worried. I want to be able to find you so I can keep you safe from danger. If I can't find you, I can't protect you." Riku said. I blushed a little.

"Well then, I'm sorry for hiding too well." I said. That's when we heard dad calling us.

"Riku! Hikari! Time to go home." Dad called. Riku took my hand and we hurried back to dad.

Sora's Pov

We arrived at Isla de Muerta where the stone chest was originally kept. Pirate logic lead Jack and Will to believe it was here. Jack told us to wait and guard the ship. He said it was to keep the ship safe, but he also reminded us that Hikari was on board and that she was sleeping in the lower deck. I couldn't risk one of those animals getting his hands on her. After awhile we decided to go see what was taking them.

Riku's Pov

I found myself on a pirate ship. Why was here? From most of the times, the corridor took me to wherever Hikari was. I had seen Sora, Donald and Goofy go into the cave. I noticed two doors just under the quarter deck. I opened the doors and walked down the small set of stairs into the Captain's cabin. There I saw Hikari sleeping peacefully on a bench. Salamon was curled up next to her. I walked over to her and knelt down to her level. She was laying on her side, breathing softly. I noticed the small strands of her hair that swayed in front of her face. The hair clip I had given her had been crushed by Ansem after Kage gave it to me in Castle Oblivion. I gently pushed the strands out of her face and tucked them behind her ear. She shifted slightly.

"Riku..." Like the time before, when I had appeared in the gummi ship during her first journey, she was calling for me. She was right here, but I didn't want to wake her up. "Riku... Where are you...? I miss you... I love you..." Hikari whimpered. I clenched my other hand into a fist. There was no harm in me staying here till Sora got back. Someone had to protect her. I watched as she slept. However, I made the mistake of cupping her cheek. Her eyes snapped open and I moved away from her. "Who are you!" She summoned her Keyblade. Salamon snapped awake and started growling.

"I'm not here to hurt you." I said. She wasn't convinced. Then, her facial expression changed from anger to shock.

"You're... Ansem!" Crap. "Bastard!" Hikari yelled. She swung at me and I managed to get out of the way. Salamon started attacking Kudamon. I was trapped in that small room. I manage to escape to the doors and outside. I summoned a corridor but before I could go through it,I was tackled to the ground. "You're not escaping me!" I had no choice. I pushed her off me. Before she could recover and get up, I grabbed her wrists and pinned her the floor. I felt her tense up. Kudamon pinned Eve down.

"You need to calm down." I said.

"And you need to get the hell off me!" Hikari shouted. Man, when did she get a temper? "Where's Riku? What have you done to him?" I didn't know how to respond.

My Pov

Ansem didn't say anything. I wanted answers out of this monster. I wanted to know what had really become of Riku. Whether he was lost in the darkness or out there in another world. Salamon suddenly started barking happily and nuzzling Ansem's Kudamon. What was up with her?

"He's fine." Ansem said.

"Liar! You've done something to him!" I shouted.

"You really want to know that badly?" Ansem asked.

"Of course! I need to let Riku know I forgive him for everything! It wasn't his fault! And I need to tell him-" I said, but was cut off by Ansem.

"That he's the father of your son." Ansem finished. My eyes widen in horror. How did he know? My conclusion was that he had Tai.

"I swear on Kingdom Hearts itself, of you've even laid a finger on my baby-" I said, but was again cut off by Ansem.

"I did nothing to harm him." I narrowed my eyes at him. That's when he cupped my cheek. I tensed up at his gentle touch. "I wouldn't do anything to hurt him or you." Ansem said. Did this guy think I had forgotten all that he had done to us?

"Why not when you've hurt me already?" I asked. I felt more weight be put on me. Ansem leaned in and kissed me on the lips. My eyes squeezed shut as tears ran down my face. It was going to happen again. I was going to be violated. Except this time by the Heartless of the man who had destroyed my life. My heart ached. Riku's smiling face flashed through my mind. 'Riku, please forgive me. I'm not strong enough to fight him off. I'm sorry.' When Ansem stopped kissing me, I saw it.

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