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My Pov

We arrived back in Atlantica and it was hard for me and Sora to readjust swimming with tails. Both Veemon and Gatomon were Depthmon and Tylomon again. They too were trying to readjust. That's when I saw Ariel, Flounder and Sebastian swimming toward us.

"Sora! Hikari! Donald! Goofy!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Uh... hi there!" Sora said. Why did Sora sound all bashful?

"Hi, Ariel!" I greeted.

"Forget how to swim already?" Ariel asked.

"Kinda, I guess." Sora said.

"Den you all have to practice! You follow Flounder—he show you what to do." Sebastian said.

"Sora, Hikari, c'mon. You can do it!" Flounder said. After a little bit, we got the hang of it again.

"Well, we came here thinking something might be wrong, but everything seems peaceful." I said.

"It is... as long as Daddy's in a good mood." Ariel said.

"We have a concert coming up soon. Why don't you sing in my musical extravaganza?" Sebastian swam closer to me and Sora. "Please say yes! Ariel's been actin' strange lately. But she might settle down if you're dere, too." Sebastian pleaded.

"Sounds like fun!" Sora said. I was nervous. I never sang to anyone. Sebastian taught us how to dance and move with the beat and we decided to perform. Veemon and Gatomon used their attacks to add effects. We had done really well.

"Sora, Hikari, you were both amazing!" Ariel said. Ariel's face turned from happy to sad and she swam off. We looked and saw King Triton.

"Your Majesty! We have visitors!" Sebastian announced.

"King Triton!" Sora exclaimed.

"I hope there hasn't been any need to use those Keyblades of yours." Triton said.

"No, everything's quiet and peaceful." I said.

"You Majesty, our guests, dey wanna to sing in de musical." Sebastian said.

"Well, that sounds like a splendid idea." Triton said. King Triton explained that Ariel was still wanting to see the human world and the rehearsal could help keep her mind off it. However, Ariel couldn't put her heart into singing anymore that day. Flounder came to us and told us of a way to help Ariel. Flounder took us to the ship graveyard and showed us a statue. It looked like a prince. Using Magnet magic, me and Sora moved the statue and took it to Ariel's grotto. I went off to find Ariel.

"Ariel!" I called. She turned to me. "Come on! We have a surprise for you." I took Ariel to her grotto and we showed her the statue. Ariel gained heart again and began to sing.

"Look at this stuff
Isn't it neat?
Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?

Look at this trove
Treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Lookin' around here you'd think
Sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty
I've got whozits and whatzits galore
'You want thingamabobs?'
'I got twenty'
But who cares?
No big deal
I want more

I wanna be where the people are
I wanna see
Wanna see 'em dancin'
Walkin' around on those
Whad'ya call 'em?" Oh - feet" Ariel touched my shoulder, wanting me to finished. I imagined myself in her position, me as the mermaid princess and Riku as the human prince I longed to see again. The feeling rushed through and I sang with all my heart.

"Up where they walk
Up where they run
Up where they stay all day in the sun
Wanderin' free
Wish I could be
Part of that world"

"Hikari, I had no clue you could sing like that." Sora said. I blushed. No one did. Sebastian had asked us to sing another song, to cheer Ariel up. But, Ariel wanted to sing a song about land and sea coming together and wouldn't sing at all unless she could. Ariel wanted us to see the prince she had saved. We went to the surface and saw him. We stayed hid until he left, but that's when something fell off him. It was a pendant. We tried to grab it, but it became wedged between two rocks. I used my Magnera magic and managed to get it. We went to Ariel's grotto to give it to her.

"Oh, Hikari, thank you! I know he'll be happy to have this back." Ariel said. That's when we were a terrifyingly familiar voice.

"And just who is this 'he'?" He turned to see a very angry King Triton. Sirena quickly swam behind me, shivering.

"Daddy!" Ariel exclaimed.

"Ariel, you know how dangerous the human world is! I'm going to get through to you. And if this is the only way..." Triton said. His trident began glowing. He was going to destroy the statue! "so be it!" A bolt came from the trident and destroyed the statue. Ariel swam out of her grotto in tears. We all swam after her.

Ariel's Pov

How could my father do that?! Why was he always trying to crush my dreams?

"Ariel, you poor child!" a voice exclaimed. I turned and saw Ursula. How was she here? Ursula told me that she could make me into a human for three days and if Eric kissed me, I would be a human forever. She gave me a contract. The price was my voice, but I felt it was a small price to pay.

"All I have to do is sign?" I asked. Ursula nodded. I could hear Sebastian and Flounder begging me not to do this, but this was the only way I'd see Eric again. I signed my name.

"Sora! Hikari! You've gotta stop her!" Sebastian cried. A vortex surrounded us and prevented them from reaching me. My voice suddenly floated out of my body and Ursula's captured it in her shell. That's when I felt a sharp pain in my tail and I couldn't breathe anymore. My vision faded as Sora and Hikari swam me toward the surface.

No one's Pov

The Keyblade bearers managed to get Ariel to the surface. There, the little mermaid was found and taken in by Prince Eric. Over the next several days, the group watched the couple, while looking for the sea witch. At the end of the second day, it seemed that Ariel and Eric would kiss, but Ursula's eels stopped them.

My Pov

It was the third day and still no sign of Ursula.

"Where is that witch hiding?" I happened to look and saw Ariel crying. "Flounder, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Ariel's been crying for a really long time..." Flounder said. That's when we heard Ariel's voice singing. We saw the prince with a woman and ducked under water. The prince looked hypnotized.

"What's wrong with the prince?" Sora asked. That's when I spotted the same shell that Ursula worn around the woman's neck.

"That girl has the same necklace as Ursula! That witch transformed herself into that girl and hypnotized the prince!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, that's enough!" Sora said. He and I pointed our Keyblades at Ursula and destroyed the shell. Ariel's voice was freed and returned to prince was freed and realized Ariel was the one he loved. However, the sun set and Ursula dragged Ariel underwater. We followed them and saw King Triton was there too.

"King Triton, a pleasure. I'd love to chat, but I have unfinished business with this mermaid... unless you want to take her place?" Ursula asked. King Triton raised his trident and erased Ariel's name and put his own. He became a shriveled creature and Ursula had the trident. That's when a harpoon zipped past us and grazed Ursula. We saw the prince.

"Eric!" Ariel cried.

"How dare you! Pitiful, insignificant human!" Ursula yelled. Flotsam and Jetsam went after Eric but we stopped them. Ursula then grew to the giant size she had been before. Just as before, both Veemon and Gatomon dealt with the eels. Both Sora and I leapt out of the water and struck Ursula and knocked the trident out of her hands. Eric then threw it toward Ursula and it went through her, killing her. After everything settled down, Eric still loved Ariel, despite her being a mermaid. We performed one final song and unlocked the last pathway. We then left Atlantica and headed back to Hallow Bastion.

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