Dark Thorn

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My Pov

We went back to Belle's room to find her gone. The wardrobe was there and said that Belle had gone after a man in a black coat. We searched the whole castle, but couldn't find her. We were about to search outside when we heard Belle's voice.

"I'm warning you! You'll be sorry!" Belle cried. We looked around, trying to find out where her voice was coming from.

"Belle! Where are you?" Beast asked.

"Beast! Help! I'm in the ballroom!" Belle shouted. We hurried into the ballroom to see Belle running from a Heartless.

"Belle!" Beast exclaimed.

"I'm all right!" Belle said. She closed the balcony doors just as the Heartless was about to catch her. The Heartless turned its attention to us and began to trash around. It floated up toward the chandelier and then dove into the floor. Darkness began to spread over the entire room. The Heartless leaped out of the floor and let out a roar that shook the room. Soon, the elegant ballroom became a room of nightmares. The Heartless would either fuse with the balcony windows, the chandelier or the pillars in order to attack us.

"Okay, I'm done with this hide-and-seek game. Time for you to STOP!" I said. I shot a beam of light at the Heartless and froze it before it could make it to the windows. The five of us attacked it together and destroyed it. It trashed around for a couple seconds before becoming engulfed in a large orb of darkness. The orb pulsated and then evaporated, revealing the Heartless had changed. It had grown larger and faster. It turned invisible.

"Hikari, watch out!" Donald shouted. The Heartless reappeared behind and raised its claws up to strike. Beast rammed into it just before it could hit me.

"Thanks, Beast!" I said. This Heartless was fast. And it more powerful than before. I tried using my Stop spell, but my magic wasn't at its fullest just yet. The Heartless disappeared again. "Damn it!"

"Don't worry! We've got this." Veemon said. Both mine and Sora's Digivices activated.

"Veemon digivolve to... Veedramon!"

"Salamon digivolve to... Gatomon!"

The Heartless started toward me.

"Hikari, look out!" Goofy cried. Gatomon jumped in front of me.

"Cat's Eye Hypnotism!" Gatomon exclaimed. Her eyes glowed yellow and her pupils became slits. The Dark Thorn then began to attack itself.

"V-Nova Blast!" Veedramon exclaimed. The attack hit the Dark Thorn dead on. Sora and I delivered the final blow with a simple slash from our Keyblades. The Heartless stumbled back and let out a loud roar. It froze as darkness began streaming from its body and then it evaporated in light. The ballroom reverted back to its elegant state. Veedramon and Gatomon reverted back to Veemon and Salamon.

"We did it!" Sora exclaimed.

"So you think." a voice said. We turned around to see a member of Organization XIII standing near the ballroom doors.

"Xaldin!" We ran toward Xaldin, but he vanished just has we got close to him. "What does he want here?" Beast asked angrily.

"He's with Organization XIII." Beast looked at us. "They control these new creatures called Nobodies. They're created when a strong-willed person loses their heart and becomes a Heartless." I said.

"That's right. And they were gonna turn you into a Heartless. That way, they could get that Nobody of yours and have control over it." Goofy said. That was it! Toucannon flew around before perching on Sora's other shoulder.

"You were awesome Toucannon. Thank you." Sora returned her to her ball.

"You're all right!" Belle said.

"Belle!" He ran to Belle to make sure she was okay. "Belle... I-I'm sorry-I... wasn't myself. I hope I haven't done anything to hurt you." Belle shook her head 'no'. "Forgive me." Beast said.

"I know you weren't yourself. You don't have to apologize." Then, as if with the snap of her fingers, Belle's kind demeanor changed to strict and scowling. "But I had hoped... that you might have changed a little bit. I wish you could start trusting me." Belle said. This wasn't good. Beast didn't have a whole lot of time left to break the spell. Suddenly, Kingdom Key and Starlight began glowing. The rose... it was the key item to finding the Keyhole. We repeated our actions from Hollow Bastion and Land of Dragons. We opened a path.

"We need to leave for now everyone." I said.

"Do you have to go?" Belle asked.

"Yeah, but we'll be back." Sora said. We left Beast Castle and for some reason the gummi ship and my glider were being pulled back toward Hollow Bastion. We landed there, but I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching us. Salamon could sense it too, as she looked around trying to find them.

?'s Pov

I stood in the shadows as Sora and his friends arrived back in Hollow Bastion. Then I saw a strange glider land next to them. The rider was... No... It can't be... DiZ said she'd never wake up. But... it was her... Hikari. She's so beautiful. I saw Salamon next to her. I always said to myself she'd never be more beautiful than the last time I saw her, but somehow she had. I wanted so much to show myself, to take her in my arms and never let her go. But, I couldn't let her see me. Not like this. I heard Hikari's voice when she said something to Sora. Her voice was more beautiful than music. They started coming this way. I hurried into a portal, taking one last look at my princess before disappearing from sight.

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