Santa Claus

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My Pov

We made it to the small little town, only to have toy-like Heartless appear.

"Not here too!" I said.

"En grade, loyal bodyguards!" Jack exclaimed. We quickly took out the Heartless. Good thing Jack asked us to come with him.

"Christmas is in trouble!" Donald exclaimed.

"Good thing were here." Goofy said.

"How is Sandy Claws suppose to relax with all this?" Jack asked. We entered the workshop ayd saw Santa checking his list. He looked up to see all of us.

"Well, hello everyone." It was really him. "Did you come to see if you're on my 'nice' list?" Santa asked.

"Actually, we came here to see if you were alright." I said.

"I'm quite fine Hikari. I'm very appreciative of your concern for my well-being." Santa said. Just then, there was a large crash. It was coming from the factory part of the workshop. "What sort of trouble did you bring with you this time, Jack?"

"This time?" Sora asked.

"Jack, what did you do?" I asked.

"It's a long story!" Jack said. We needed to see what caused that noise. We went into to see Lock, Shock and Barrel escape through a window. What we're they doing here?

"Not those three again." Santa said.

"I can assure you, they're not with us." Jack said.

"They're up to something. I sensed someone else was here. Someone with a dark aura around them." I said.

"Well, whatever the case, they've been quite naughty. Catch them and bring them back here. They're going to get a lecture." Santa said. We hurried outside and saw faded footprints. We followed them back into Halloween Town. Our appearances changed back. The more we followed the footprints, the clearer they became. They ended in the graveyard.

"They went that way!" Donald exclaimed. We hurried into the graveyard and found the trio with a giant Heartless. The jumped into the cage that dangled from its neck.

"Stop them!" Shock screeched.

"Tie 'em down!" Lock shouted.

"Get them!" Barrel exclaimed. The Heartless lifted up the cage, opened its mouth and shook the cage until Barrel fell out.

"Barrel!" Shock and Lock cried. Blue flames surrounded the Heartless as the color of it slightly changed. It then began to snap at us, stretching its mouth and slamming its teeth down trying to get one of us. It lunged toward Donald.

"V-Headbutt!" Veemon exclaimed. Veemon headbutt the Heartless from behind and knocked it off balance. I needed to focus, except this time, on my darkness. The blade of Starlight became cloaked in a purple light. I ran to the top of the hill and jumped from above.

"Nightmare Slash!" I said. As I slashed the Heartless, Barrel dropped back into the cage. As it opened its mouth, Sora dove inside it and did some damage to it. It then attempted the move again, this time swallowing Lock.

"Lock!" Shock and Barrel cried. The Heartless now shot large fireballs at us.

"Puppy Howl!" Salamon managed to deflect two of them back before one exploded not too far from me and her.

"Hikari, Salamon, careful!" Goofy exclaimed.

"I'm fine!" I said. Both Sora and Jack attacked the Heartless and Lock was knocked back into the cage. The Heartless quickly swallowed Shock.

"Shock!" Lock and Barrel cried. Now the Heartless began shooting small embers, but it did so in barges. After doing so much damage to it, the Heartless again swallowed the boys.

"To three, together is the key!" the trio cried. Soon, the Heartless was covered in green flames and began using all of the techniques it had used before. I used a combination of Sparkra and Watera to defeat the Heartless. I collapsed from using so much energy and magic.

"Let's go see if Mr. Oogie is ready yet!" Shock said. The three ran off.

"Oogie? You mean that talking sack of bugs? I should have known. Maleficent probably had something to do with this." I said.

"Hikari, here." Sora said. Sora held out both a Hi-Potion and Ether. I took both and felt better. I went through my pockets and got out several Digi-Cures and Digi-Mints. I restored Salamon and Veemon.

"If Oogie is back, he may be after Sandy Claws. Come on!" Jack said. We made our way back to the Hinterlands, to see Sally running to us. She confirmed our worries. Oogie and Maleficent had Santa. We rushed back to Christmas Town and back to Santa's home. We went into the factory part to see Oogie had redone the whole place. That's when Oogie's ugly laughter came from behind us. He jumped down and rammed into Sally.

"Sally!" I cried. Okay, he's gone far beyond the line.

"Jack Skellington! I've got a score to settle with you. Same goes for your little sidekicks!" Oogie said.

"What are you planning to do with Sandy Claws?" Jack asked.

"Who? Sandy Claws? I don't know what you're talking about!" Oogie said. That's when I saw Santa tied up on a escalator belt. Oogie grabbed him and was about to push him into an incinerator when something was thrown in front of him. Sally had thrown her leg in front of Oogie to distract him. It worked and Santa manage to get to Sally, who took him to safety.

"You're gonna get it Oogie!" I said. Oogie ran through one of the opening and ended up on the lift. This was not as easy as it was last time. He could move the lift anywhere and we had to time lights on the openings to get to the same place. Each time, presents would come out, we'd hit them up to the lift. When enough had been piled up, the lift would break and Oogie would fall on to the belt where we could reach him. I decided to do what I had before. I jabbed the spike on my Keyblade into Oogie's stomach and caused a huge tear in his body.

"What have you done?!" Oogie cried. The bugs swarmed out of Oogie's body. I noticed one and squashed it. After everything settled down, we went outside.

"Perfect! I better get down to business!" Jack said. I face-palmed myself.

"Jack, leave all of this to Santa! He has his job and you have yours!" I exclaimed.

"That's right!" Salamon said.

"Hikari's right. You need to stick to Halloween and spooky stuff!" Goofy said.

"Jack?" I saw Sally carrying something. "Here, it's done." Sally said. She handed him a hand-made Santa suit.

"Wonderful! I love it! Thank you, Sally!" Jack beamed.

"Jack... Do you really have to do this?" Sally asked.

"But I make a splendid Sandy Claws!" Jack said. Was he not listening?

"Listen here, Jack Skellington! You saved me and Christmas as well. For that, I'm very grateful. But please promise you won't cause any more trouble! Don't even think about taking over for me again!" Santa said. Again?

"I just thought you could use a little help this year, Mr. Claws. You must be exhausted from all the preparations. And—I wouldn't mind a second chance to get this Christmas thing right." Jack said.

"Yes, being Santa Claus can be tiring. But let me tell you something, Jack. We both have very important jobs to do, Jack. Mine is to take care of Christmas, and yours is to take care of Halloween. So we each have to do the very best we can. After all, you're the face of Halloween—Mr. Jack Skellington! The Pumpkin King! The Knight of Nightmares! And even though you're fascinated with Christmas, Jack... Halloween is your true specialty. Don't you see? Children rely on both of us to do our jobs. Halloween needs your attention... and I know Christmas needs mine—urgently." Santa said.

"You're right! I am the master of terror! And of Halloween has become too routine, All I have to do is think of something new that'll really make them scream!" Jack declared. Just then, the Mayor came, whining to Jack about the plans for the next Halloween. That's when Jack started glowing. Sora and I unlocked the Keyhole and went on our way.

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