Jafar's Return

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My Pov

We arrived back at Agrabah. I looked at my clothes to see they changed again. I now wore a blue, indigo, and grass-green gradient tank top with straps stretching to the front of the shoulder, held with a single gold clasped for each one. The chest portion was a low V-shape, revealing a small amount of powder blue material. Below the chest was an orange and pink butterfly with a big purple gem in the middle, resting on a brown belt-like section lined with gold to match the accenting. It came with a simple necklace with a single dark blue drop gem and two dark purple drop gems, and a pair of brown and gold bracelets below each elbow with a single chain hanging from it, which has tiny beads and a red drop gem. A Kingdom Hearts story emblem rested above the left arm piece. A grass-green skirt with a design composed of emerald green, gold, and blue. The bottom was lined with a brown strap accented with gold, and a single ring of slightly pleated ruffle below it. The band was indigo with gold flower shapes, each with a single, tiny gem in the middle. Hanging from the band is a simple gold piece with hanging ornaments on each side. A blue, indigo, and green gradient layer of skirting hangs from this. On my feet were chocolate-brown sandals with a brown strap covered with the gold flowers on the skirt. The heel was a teal color with brown lining, connected to the very thin string that wrapped around the leg; which had tiny sky blue beads and butterflies attached to it. A Kingdom Hearts emblem was attached to the top of the left leg string(Look at Aikatsu; Borages Butterfly Coord).

"I wonder how Aladdin and Jasmine are?" I wondered aloud.

"Can't hurt to check." Sora said. We went into the peddler's shop and saw it had changed completely. The walls were gold and there was treasure everywhere. Donald backed up and almost knocked over a vase.

"You break it, you buy it!" the peddler snapped. Then the peddler realized who we were. "Oh, hello friends."

"Wow! Someone made out like a thief!" I said.

"Please... I'm just an honest merchant. What you see is a reward for my hard work." the peddler said.

"Gawrsh, they sure are nice." Goofy said.

"And they're on sale! Interested?" the peddler asked.

"No thanks. Listen, have you seen a guy in a black coat?" Sora asked.

"Who me? Most certainly not..." the peddler said.

"Then we'll ask around." I said. Suddenly, Aladdin burst through the doorway.

"Sora! Hikari! Don't let him get away!" Aladdin exclaimed. We looked back, but the peddler was gone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't believe it... That stupid peddler released Jafar from the lamp!" Aladdin said.

"Jafar!?" we all exclaimed. I could literally hear Jafar's twisted laughter ringing in my ears. Gatomon and Veemon shuddered at the mention of Jafar. Aladdin warned us to be careful and for good reason. Jafar would try to take over Agrabah again and come after us. Iago then to us that Jafar was hiding in the desert, but something seemed wrong. Iago was constantly fidgeting and stammering. We went outside the city and saw a sandstorm was raging in the desert.

"What a disaster! We're just gonna hafta turn back." Iago said.

"There's got to be a way..." Aladdin said. That's when we heard Genie's booming voice. Then we saw him zooming toward us.

"Aw, c'mon, kid, that's an easy one! Al, ol' buddy, ol' pal! This is what having a genie for a best friend is all about! I mean, hoe can you leave me on the sidelines in a time like this?!" Genie then grew to a large size. "Live large! Wow 'em, Al." Then he shrunk down to a smaller size. "Give 'em the old razzmatazz! What'd ya say, kid?" Genie said.

"Hey, Genie!" Sora said. Genie turned his attention to us.

"Sora! Hikari!" He shrunk back to his original size. "Wanna see a little something I call 'Sandstorm Sweep'?" Genie asked. We all agreed, but Genie's joy died when he saw it was a small sandstorm. "Give me a challenge next time, Al!" Genie snapped his fingers and the sandstorm subsided. Genie disappeared and we headed off to the ruins. We made it to the ruined remains of the city, but saw we wouldn't find Jafar by walking. That's when carpet flew out of nowhere. It motioned to Sora to hop on it.

"Nice timing, Carpet!" Sora said. Sora and Veemon hopped on Carpet, while Gatomon and I used Starry Twilight. Mew floated just next to me. That's when Jafar's shadow appeared. We chased after it and I manage to hit it, it went toward the roof of a tower. After me and Sora reached the roof, a barrier came up trapping and leaving us to fight Heartless. After taking care of the Heartless a strange statue appeared on the roof. I pressed a button on the statue and it revealed three markers that we needed to go find and activate in order to get inside the tower.

"Sora, let's each go find one and then activate the last one together!" I said.

"Sounds like a plan!" Sora agreed. After activating two of them, we used our Thundara to activate the last marker and rushed back to the tower. The small door in the middle of the tower had opened.

"Hurry!" We got inside the tower. "Jafar! There's no use hiding!" I yelled. No answer. There was no one here.

"You sure this is it?" Aladdin asked.

"Iago?" Donald said. Iago landed on a slab and hung his head.

"Ya gotta understand. It wasn't my idea! It was Jafar. He made me bring you here. You don't know him like I do! He can be VERY convincing!... He said if I didn't cooperate, he was gonna—" Iago was cut off by Aladdin.

"Where is he?" Aladdin asked.

"C'mon Al, ya gotta forgive me." Iago begged.

"Where's Jafar?!" Aladdin demanded.

"Well...um, let's see...right about now, he's probably attacking the palace. I had no choice! His eyes, they got all creepy and WEIRD!" Iago exclaimed.

"Whatever." Sora scoffed.

"I really thought you had changed Iago. You're suppose to be our friend." I said, regretting to have believed him before.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Iago." Gatomon said.

"You were just playing both sides, just to save yourself." Sora said.

"I knew you were still a bad guy." Donald said.

"I'm SORRY!" Iago cried. Iago backed into and shattered a vase. That tripped some kind of trap, as the tower began to shake.

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