The Treasured Flower

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My Pov

We went back into Beast's room. We still faced away from the door, looking at the empty table.

"Beast." I said.

"Leave me alone." Beast said.

"C'mon, you need to hear this. You use to be fearless. You would have given your life to save Belle. Don't you know what that meant for us? You gave us all courage. Hmph, maybe you should have kept some for yourself." Sora said. That statement right there made Sora sound like Van. "I mean, are you really gonna throw your happiness away? The rose is your only hope, isn't it?"

"But it's also everyone's only hope. Cogsworth, Lumiere, Plumette, Mrs. Potts, Chip, Sultan. Everyone. Don't throw away the only chance you have." I said.

"Remember what it was like before Belle lived here?" Beast asked. Beast rose his head and I knew he was getting his confidence back.

"See? You can't give up. Not now." Sora said.

"I know one thing. This castle belongs to me. Xaldin will never be welcome." Beast said. We all nodded. We decided to look for the rose. I think Beast was ready to turn his castle upside-down to get back. We hurried to the main hall when I heard Xaldin's voice.

"So, Beast... you came after all. You had me worried. I was afraid you'd given up for good." Xaldin mocked. We looked to see Xaldin, bell jar in hand, standing on the window just above the ballroom doors. Veemon and Gatomon were both hissing at him.

"What do you guys really want?" Sora asked.

"...Kingdom Hearts." What? That's what they were after!? Xaldin removed his hood and I immediately recognized him as Dilan. "When Kingdom Hearts is ours, we can exist fully and completely. "So you see, Beast—that's why we need your Heartless AND your Nobody!" Xaldin said. Like before in the ballroom, Xaldin summoned several Nobodies. And like before, it didn't take us look to defeat them. Xaldin floated over us and to the front doors. He gave us one last look before stepping outside. We ran after him, but didn't see him.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Huh?" Goofy asked. I looked at Goofy, who was looking upward. I followed his stare and saw Belle, now in her normal clothes, on the balcony of her room. Goofy started waving to her and Donald started yelling at him. She seemed to understand the situation and started going back to her room when she stopped. Then, she came back into view, holding something.

"Look! It's the rose!" Belle called. How did she have the rose? That's when it clicked in my head.

"Belle, get back in your room!" I yelled. She seemed confused, but before she could react, Xaldin appeared behind her and grabbed her.

"Belle!" Beast said. Xaldin picked her up and jumped over the gate. Beast practically broke the doors down chasing after him. We followed close behind him. I saw Xaldin near the entrance gate, one arm holding the rose and the other around Belle. "You! Get out of my castle, now!" Beast exclaimed.

"With pleasure, but I'd rather travel light... What shall I leave behind? Belle? Or the rose?" Xaldin asked. This guy may be Dilan's Nobody, but he's nowhere near like him.

"Belle!" Beast said. We ran toward Xaldin to try and get Belle for him. What happened next surprised me. Belle elbowed Xaldin in the stomach and grabbed the rose back. She ran past us back to the castle.

"That was so cool, Belle!" I said.

"Awesome!" Gatomon said.

"Good one, Belle!" Sora exclaimed.

"Nice move!" Veemon said. I saw the proud look on her face. A light came from the rose and touched my clothes. The rose had given me some new powers and changed my clothes. I now wore a red top with black lining to give it the look of a corset with a violet, red, and orange rose pinned to the lower-left side. At the neck was black string that tied it around the neck, with a gold dot in the center and gold jewelry dangling from it. It came with red sleeves with ruffled cuffs and black string work on top. On the side of the arm was a tattoo. A two layer, dark red skirt with lighter red ruffled lining on the bottom and top layer. There was black accenting, and on top was a black cloth with golden images depicted on it, wrapped low and pinned with a red rose and an orange one. A crescent moon charm dangled from the roses. My shoes became black sandals with the toe section there. Over the foot was a yellow moon broach, and connected to it were straps going around the ankle, each with a gold ring and a ruby gem below it. Worn with sheer socks with flowers on the sides. My tiara turned into a big red flower with two gold diamonds and a red gem in the middle. Attached to it was black lace material. It also came with gold hoop earrings connected to red flowers(Look at Aikatsu; Andalusia Coord). Xaldin had a ticked off look on his face. Six small spirals of wind and dirt sprouted from the ground. They turned into six lances that were the same as the one Dilan had used.

"You messed with the wrong people!" I yelled. I ran toward the Nobody of my friend. Xaldin kept moving around so it was hard to pin him down. "Gatomon, go!"

"Gatomon digivolve to... Angewomon!"

"Heaven's Charm!" Angewomon exclaimed. A rainbow light surround all of us. While it strengthened us, it paralyzed Xaldin.

"I-I can't move!" Xaldin exclaimed.

"Rose Wind!" A powerful, red-pink wind with rose petals seem to come out of nowhere and go toward Xaldin. It engulfed and destroy him. His lances fell to the ground and turned into pillars of light as he faded back into darkness. Angewomon reverted back to Gatomon. We went back to the courtyard.

"Here. It's yours again." Belle said. She handed the bell jar back to Beast.

"Belle..." Beast said.

"I know. You want me to leave the castle." Belle said. We looked at them with worried and saddened faces.

"What matters is... You weren't hurt by Xaldin. You're safe." At least he was talking to her. "And... I'm very grateful to you.. for bringing the rose back to me. Thank you." Beast said.

"It's the least I could do. You've been good to me. And you didn't have to be." Belle said.

"Listen, Belle..." Beast said.

"Yes?" Belle asked. Beast suddenly became scared and looked at us.

"You can do it!" I said.

"Say it!" Sora said.

"Go on!" Lumiere said.

"C'mon!" Donald said. Everyone cheered him on.

"Belle, I'd like you to stay... With me... Please?" Beast asked.

"I will." Belle said.

"Maestro—music!" Lumiere said. The two began to dance and resume the evening they planned. The sight warmed my heart.

"Hey, did you see Belle's face when she grabbed the rose?" Sora asked.

"Yeah. She was having fun." I said. The four of us decided to bow out and head off to help our other friends.

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