Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

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My Pov

Both me and Sora would use our magic to destroy the Heartless. Nefertimon and Raidramon were also attacking the Heartless with their own attacks. There seemed to be no end. That's when I felt some kind of wind blow pass me. Then, I actually felt some kind of embrace from the wind. It felt so familiar and warm.

"You can do. You and Sora need to combine your power." a voice said. I felt tears well up in my eyes. That voice... it was Ven's. My hand instantly went to my Wayfinder that hung from my neck. He was with me.

"Sora! Use your Cyclone spell!" I said. He didn't argue. He summoned a large cyclone and what I did next was more than unexpected. I jumped into the cyclone and focused my light to Starlight. "Lightbloom!" The Cyclone became a whirl of light as the Heartless were sucked into its wind. I jumped out of the vortex and landed next to Sora. We used our Keyblades to make sure all the Heartless were caught. When they all were, we slammed our Keyblades down which caused the cyclone of light to vanish. All the Heartless fell to the ground, releasing an explosion of hearts. Nefertimon and Raidramon both reverted back to Salamon and Veemon this time. We hurried through a small canyon and were joined by Donald and Goofy.

"Where's the King?" Sora asked. We looked around. Donald was the first to spot him.

"There he is!" Donald exclaimed. We saw him just as her destroyed a Heartless.

"Let's go!" I said. We found Mickey staring at Xehanort's Nobody. "Mickey!" Mickey turned to us real quick before looking back at the Nobody.

"Xehanort!" Mickey said.

"How long has it been since I abandoned that name..." Xehanort said. Did he not go by Xehanort now?

"Out with it Nobody! Where's Kairi? Where's Kage? Where's Riku?" Sora asked.

"I know nothing of any Kairi or Kage. As for Riku...Perhaps you should ask your king." the Nobody said. Both me and Sora looked at Mickey.

"Stop!" Mickey yelled. Just as he summoned a portal and disappeared, Mickey jumped into the portal and disappeared with him.

"He's gone..." Sora said. Sora fell to the ground, pounding the ground with his fist. Goofy placed a hand on his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him and he gripped one of my arms. Veemon and Salamon both looked at us with sad looks.

"Sora, Hikari, Goofy." Donald 's when we saw the large canyon ring around the castle was empty and all was still.

"What's goin' on?" Goofy asked.

"Way to fall right into their trap." a voice said. Who? We turned around to see a man leaning up against a rock wall. He wore the Organization cloak. Next to him was a BlackAgumon. He stepped closer to us and I saw he had red, spikey hair, green eyes and two teardrop shaped marks under his eyes. "C'mon, it's a set-up by Organization XIII. Xemnas is using you two to destroy the Heartless- that's his master plan."

"Xemnas?" Donald asked.

"The guy you just saw. He's their leader. X-E-M,N-A-S. Got it memorized?" the man asked. Wait, that catchphrase. The only person who ever said that was...

"Lea?" I asked. He looked shocked by what I said. Then he shook his head.

"Sorry. I'm not Lea anymore. The name's Axel. Got it memorized?" the Nobody said. It wasn't Lea. It was his Nobody. Wait, Axel?

"'re the who took Kairi and Kage!" Sora exclaimed.

"Yeah, but right now you should be more concerned about how they're using the two of you." He pointed to our Keyblades. "Every Heartless slain with those Keyblades releases a captive heart. That's what the Organization's after." Axel explained.

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