The Real Reunion

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My Pov

Sora and I managed to push the Heartless off of us. We looked up to the balcony to see Kairi, Labramon, Kage, her Nyaromon, Ansem, his and his Kudamon fighting off Heartless. Wait, that was Riku! He was here!

"What's going on!?" Sora asked. A red shard of light shot close to us. We looked up and saw hundreds of them, none hitting us and destroying the Heartless. Then, I heard Xigbar's voice.

"Have you been a good boy and good girl?" Xigbar asked.

"Xigbar, show yourself!" I demanded. He appeared on a balcony above us.

"Oh, sounds like you haven't. Sora! Hikari! Roxas! Nikko!" Xigbar said.

"Roxas? Nikko? Hey, did he just call us Roxas and Nikko?" Sora asked.

"You've both really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that's why the Keyblades chose you. But MAN, when it comes to Sora, it picked a dud. You don't even look half the hero the others were." Others? Did he mean, Ven, Van, Terra and Aqua? As if reading my mind, Xigbar began laughing. "Yeah Princess. I mean those three that you miss so much, including that evil clone of Sora." Xigbar said. I clenched my fist. He knew what happened to them.

"Are you done rambling?" Sora asked.

"Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitors, is that your time is up!" Xigbar exclaimed. He summoned his Arrowguns.

"Here he comes!" Goofy exclaimed. I had to admit, he was strong. Then again, his element was Gravity. It felt like forever before we finally defeated him.

"Why did you call us Roxas and Nikko?" Sora asked. Xigbar laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know..." Xigbar said. He vanished.

"Wait!" I yelled.

"Sora! Hikari! It's Kairi and Kage!" Donald exclaimed. Donald pointed up to them.

"Girls, we're on our way!" Sora said. We hurried up various stairs and hallways and finally made it to them.

"Kairi! Kage!" I called. They both turned and looked at me.

"Hikari!" Kage ran to me and jumped. I managed to catch her and she latched onto me. "After all this time, I finally get to meet you!" Kage cried.

"I'm happy to see you again too, Shadow." I said. She giggled. I put her down and turned my attention to my cousin. Salamon and Labramon chased each other around a little.

"Hikari! It's you! You've gotten so beautiful." Kairi said. I blushed.

"So have you Kairi. I barely recognized you." I said. She blushed. I stepped out of the way so her and Sora could talk.

"You are different, Kairi, but I'm just glad you're here!" Sora said.

"You, Riku and Hikari never came home, so I came looking for you." Kairi said.

"I'm sorry." Sora apologized. I rolled my eyes and gently pushed Sora toward Kairi. That caused him to embrace her, which neither of them minded. Veemon wrapped his arms around Labramon's neck while she wrapped a paw around him.

"This is real..." Kairi whispered. I couldn't help but tear up a little. I saw a portal appear behind 'Ansem' and he went toward it.

"Wait, Ansem! I mean, Xehanort's Heartless... I never thought for a second that I'd ever see YOU again. Just thinking about all the things you did makes me really mad. But... But you saved Kairi and Kage, right? I have to grateful for that... Thanks." Sora said. 'Ansem' began walking again, but I ran to him and grabbed his arm. Salamon jumped onto Kudamon.

"Riku, don't leave again!" I begged. I heard gasps of confusion from behind me.

"Hikari, what did you just say?" Sora asked.

"Riku." I repeated. Riku tried to break free from my grip.

"I'm no one— just a castaway from the darkness." Riku said. I turned to Sora and Kairi.

"Guys, please! Say something to him!" I begged. Kairi pushed Sora to us. She took his hand and place it and hers on top of mine.

"Close your eyes." Kairi said. We all did and we saw the real Riku. We opened our eyes and Sora fell to his knees.

"Riku... It's Riku. Riku's here... We looked for you..." Sora cried. Veemon hugged Kudamon while Labramon nuzzled him.

"Come on, Sora. You've gotta pull it together." Riku said. Riku's voice! It was back to normal.

"Hikari and I looked everywhere for you!" Sora exclaimed.

"I didn't want you to find me." Riku said.

"But it was him that was helpin' us, wasn't it?" Goofy asked.

"Huh?" Donald asked.

"All those clues we kept finding. That musta been Riku." Goofy said. Sora got to his feet.

"I was starting to worry you guys would never catch on. Sora and Hikari never did pick the brightest friends."

"What do you mean by that!?" Donald angrily asked.

"Why didn't you let me, or at least Hikari know that you were okay?" Sora asked.

"Sora, back when we were at Isla de Muerta the first time, Riku had appeared on the ship." I said.

"What!? Why didn't you tell me?" Sora asked.

"I asked her not to. I didn't want you to see me like this. I couldn't. I fought with Ansem. With... Xehanort's Heartless— when it invaded my heart, and I won. But to use the power of darkness, I had to become Ansem myself." Riku explained.

"Does that mean... you can't change back?" Kairi asked.

"This battle isn't over. Until it is, I still need the power of darkness." Riku said.

"Then we'll finish it together! You're still Riku, no matter what." I said.

"So how 'bout it: Think we can handle one last rumble together?" Sora asked.

"Yeah! Let's get going!" Donald said.

"Wait, where's Yami and Tai?" I asked.

"They're with Mickey, don't worry." Kage said. I sighed, relieved to know that they were safe. We made our way toward the balcony where they were and found ourselves in the Proof of Existence. I took notice to the shattered gates. There was a red picture in front of them with names; the Freeshooter, the Whirlwind Lancer, the Chilly Academic, the Silent Hero, the Cloaked Schemer, the Flurry of Dancing Flames, the Melodious Nocturne, the Graceful Assassin and the Savage Nymph. That's when I noticed two other gates were shattered, but the light on them was blue; Key of Destiny and Twilight Angel. That's when I realized that these names were to the members of Organization. The only gates still open were the Luna Diviner and the Gambler of Fate.

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