The Mage

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Linda's high pitched voice gave Melody a headache. She tried to focus on the words, "In case you've forgotten there will be a vote, on who shall be the next queen you or I." Melody tuned out her voice for a while until the throbbing in her head subsided. Melody knew the vote would favour Linda. Linda continued, "As I have taken the credit for both times Melody saved the queen..." Melody sighed. Linda didn't even look guilty! Linda finished, "I can't have you getting in my way! I shall lock you in the dungeons."

Linda waved over the guards and whispered in their ear. They lunged for the three friends. Flame breathed fire at the guard coming towards him. Mike drew his sword and Melody hid behind them as she frantically thought of a spell.

The guard slashed at Mikes armour ripping it open. Mike shoved his sword into the guards leg. Flame sent his fiery breath towards two more guards and melted their swords. They lunged for him and caught his tail. He struggled and aimed fire at thier faces.

Melody shouted out the spell and everything shimmerd. When the shimmering stopped they appeared to be outside the room Linda was in. They fled down the corridors and didn't look back. Melody brought everyone to a stop before she rounded the next corner. She cautiously peeked around. Seeing no one she waved everyone forwards. Melody ran to the Library. She knew a place to hide for a while.

They entered the Library and slid in between bookshelves where they were unseen. Melody ran her fingers along spine of the books. "Now is not the time to be looking for a book." Mike hissed.

Melody shrugged, "Now is the perfect time." She came to a book entitled 'The Secret Garden' and pulled it towards her. She tucked her hand into the dust cover and pulled out a key. Then she walked to the end of the case. The end of the bookshelf was plain, dark wood, just like all the other bookshelves. Unlike the other book shelves this one had a crack through the middle. She pulled the shelf open. Underneath was a little trapdoor. Opening it with her key she let Mike and Flame into the passage. She stood inside the passage and pulled together the shelf as much as possible before locking the passage from the inside. As she walked down the unlit stairs she explained simply, "I cast a navigation spell on the day I came here and saw this passage."  

Then the passage narrowed and the stairway ended. Melody slide through the tunnel until she came to stairs leading upwards. Following them she came to a dead end. Without blinking she pushed upwards on the roof and a trapdoor swung open. Ungracefully she clambered out into a beautiful garden.

Melody called softly, "Star?" Hearing hooves Melody smiled. Then Star came into view. Her coat was matted, mane a tangled mess, her horn was dirty and she looked thin. Melody gently touched Star. Images came into her head. Linda locking her in a room. Not being able to get out. Someone calling her name, enabling her to leave. Melody whispered a small spell and a brush appeard in her hand. Smoothing out Stars coat she mumbled soothing words. She brushed away the tangles and dirt until she was more like her old self.

Standing quietly Mike interrupted, "The vote is tomorrow, what are you going to do?"

Melody ran through the facts in her mind. Coming to a conclusion she answered, "Convince everyone she didn't save the queen."

Flame asked a question, "How?"

For this Melody had no answer. She shrugged, she would think of something. She had to. She turned around and ordered, "You both tell everyone who will listen that the Princess is a liar."

"What will you do?" Mike asked. Melody looked at him and her expression was haunted. Mike let his question go unanswered. Flame and Mike exited the garden through a door that led to the town. Melody left a few minutes after them. She no longer cared who was next in line for the throne. What mattered more to her was her guardians life. She had read the book on healing cover to cover three times. The disease Melody's guardian, Betty, had was fatal. With no cure.

Melody pulled a piece of paper from her pocket. It was a page ripped from the healing book. She unfolded it. The mage who specialized in healing was on the page. Underneath the location of where he lived. It was half a days walk from the castle. It informed underneath the picture his house was protected with charms so a magical entrance was not an option. The only choice was to walk.

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