The Capture

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Melody froze for a moment. The zombie stood prossessing the sight bebfore him. Medoly sprang into action. She threw the scarecrow onto the ice horse, and cut the rope with what the horse had been tied. Hurridly the ice horse sprung away from the cave and into the trees. Melody was about to follow but the zombie started yelling. Unthinkingly Melody froze. She heard footsteps and presumed they belonged to Mr. Shot. She wasted no time in hurrying away, however it was too late. Two shots fired either side of her head and she spun slowly around.

"Next time i won't miss." He told her.

There was no doubt in Melodys mind that he would kill her. Although Melody knew only a little about guns she knew this gun had five bullets. Two had just been fired at her. The remaining three were still left in the gun.

Mr. Shot roughly dragged her outside. The zombie followed, still hoping to be handed the girl. A carraige drawn by two beautiful black horses walked towards them. The horses obiediently stood in front of thier master. The carragie was ratty and scratched. The paint a peeling grey. Melody glimpsed at the horses before being pushed into the carriage. The horses had a gleaming and shiny coat, and thier eyes a beautiful,but unnatual azure. It was the eyes that told Melody the horses were enchanted with evil magic. The fact that innocent horses were under a evil spell made her angry. She imagined the spell breaking into a million pieces, as she did so the spell broke.

The carriage trundled on for many hours. During this time Melody sat upright, intently listening for the smallest sound or movement. When they finally stopped she was exhausted. She looked out of the grimy window and saw a town. In the centre of her vision sat a graveyard. The cemetry was surrounded an old, spooky church. The church was in shadow despite the sunny day. The grey walls crumbling, the windows grimy. The church had three tall towers. If the church had a aura, thought Melody, it would be as dark as night.

Melody was whisked out of the carraige and taken up seven flights of winding stairs that made Melody dizzy. When the finally reached the top she was thrown into a vacent room. The room blurred and Melody fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

When she awoke she was disorientated. Then the events of the previous day came flooding back. Once she remembered however, she would have prefered to be in the ingnorant bliss of not knowing. She had fallen asleep on the floor but was now stretched out on the bed. She sat up and looked around her. A bed, a bedside table, one low set window and two doors. Nothing else was in the room. The walls were a plain, dull white with damp patches and the floor was wooden and coverd with a layre of dust.

Melody bent down to the window and looked out. She could see across the whole land but the view did not please her. It just told her she was trapped with no way out. She pushed against the window. It was stuck closed, though it would do her no good even if it would open.

She opened the draw in the bedside table but found nothing but a first aid kit. She took a bandage and wrapped it around the wound on her arm. She looked under the bed and saw only dust bunnies and a mouse hole. She crept further under the bed and poked around in the mousehole. She found nothing. She tryed the first door but it was firmly locked. She jiggled the handle but the door remained closed. The second was also locked but after wiggling it around a little it swung open and revealed a bathroom. There were a few items on the sink but the only one innteresting to Melody was the razor. She slipped out the blade and wrapped the end in a bandage the create a knife.

She wondered back over to the window and worked the knife into the grime holding it closed. The window flutterd open. Melody leaned out and saw just below was a window. Her heart leaped with hope. If she could just reach that window... Suddenly she realized that to ever reach the window she had to hang off the edge of the building. Her heart sank. Loosing her grip would mean falling from a window seven flights up. 

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