The Fight

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 Melody gasped. She collapsed on to the floor in pain. She desperately tried to stand but collapsed to the floor each time. Blood gushed out of her wound and a small voice in her brain was screaming stop the bleeding. She ripped the hem of her dress wincing as she did so. Carefully wrapping the fabric around herself she bit her lip to keep from screaming in pain. Her mind was cast back to when Star had needed help. She had heard Stars cries for help. Perhaps Star can hear hers? She silently called to Star, but nothing happened.

She knew the King was still alive. Someone so evil doesn't die from a small blast of flame. She could hear him stirring. She tried to stand. Leaning heavily on the alter she pulled herself upright. The crowd cheered. Melody shuddered. How can so many people be on her side, yet powerless to help? She weakly but bravely conjured up a spell. She hurled it at him but he simply brushed it aside.

In a blinding glow and a shower of dust, Melody knew something big was going to happen. She cringed as she helplessly waited for the Kings blow to hit her. The magic she felt was strong. Stronger than her magic alone. She could not fight what was coming. She hated to be so helpless. The Kings evil magic however didn't come.

Melody looked up to see Star. The magic she had felt belonged to Star. Melody frowned. This couldn't be true, she would have noticed it before. She thought back to the book she had read. In an instant she figured it all out. It made so much sense. Star had picked her. She was Stars chosen one.

It was crystal clear to Melody. All she needed was pure magic. The only form of pure magic was a unicorn’s horn. A unicorn just happened to be standing less than two metres away. Melody walked over to Star. Only to see everything go black.

No, she hadn't fainted. No, she hadn't died. So why was everything dark? The kings magic. She turned to face him. Only through the inky blackness she could not see where he was standing. He could see her. He had the advantage. She reached out her hands for Star but she wasn't there. She stumbled but quickly regained her balance.

The king hurled a spell at her. Melody couldn't see it but knew it was there. She could feel the energy of the attack. She sidestepped it. As fast as lightning she whispered breathlessly, "let me see, this sight before me." She knew that the simple spell would not break the kings own spell. She just hoped that her magic combined with Stars would be enough.

Strangely everything still seemed dark but she could make out features. She saw the king and... She saw herself. She didn't know what was going on. If she could see but not with her own eyes, who's eyes was she looking through? Then she knew. Stars. Unicorns could see in the dark so that's why her spell had allowed her to see through Stars eyes.

Only problem is it was disorientating controlling yourself but looking at yourself from another perspective. Melody tried to co-ordinate herself. The king unaware of what was happening sent a fireball towards Melody. She sidestepped again. Melody was overcome with relief that she had even managed to complete that one small action.

Looking at herself she was enlightened. She was looking at this all wrong. She stopped trying to see what she should do with her eyes then doing it with her body. She looked though Stars eyes. The king was throwing a spell towards Melody. Melody looked at this as though it wasn't herself standing there. What would she be telling the person to do? Throw a spell. As Melody thought this her body threw a spell reflexively. She liked this way much better! It was more natural.

Her side was still hurting like crazy but she was ignoring it the best she could. When the king realized his spell wasn't effective the lights came back and Melody's vision righted itself. This wasn't a good thing. Melody's vision was blurry and unfocused from pain. She blinked hard and the king momentarily came into focus.

Melody knew she couldn't ward off more attacks. She wasn't strong enough. Her limbs grew heavy and she sunk to the floor. She closed her eyes and waited for unconsciousness to take her.

Even as she gave in she tried to think of another way. A way to defeat the king. If she lost so many people would suffer. The people of the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell would be mistreated, her guardian would die and her own life would be taken from her. To stop all this she needed pure magic, but she had no way of receiving it. She grabbed the ground in effort to be strong, to keep going. The ground was littered with dust from Stars entrance. She held a fistful of it in her hand. She felt it jump with magic. Not ordinary magic she realized. Pure magic.

Hope flared inside of her as she saw the king advancing steadily nearer. He loomed over her. Melody saw the glint of a blade. After all of this he was going to kill her with a knife. It was insulting. Did he think she was going to let him kill her? She reached forwards with her fistful of magic and thought simply, die.

The magic that had touched him started to burn his skin like a corrosive acid. He screamed in agony and Melody laughed without humour. She felt satisfied knowing she would not die by his hands. She lay flat on her back. Her shoulder wound had been reopened and was leaking blood. The cloth around her middle was slipping away letting the red liquid escape. She was dizzy from loss of blood. She had cuts and bruises all over herself. She felt a small droplet of water hit her arm. Her eyes fluttered over to see Flame. His eyes moist, "Don't die."He demanded in a small whisper. 

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