Part 129 ❤💚

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Marks POV-
I wake up at 8 AM to a call, making my phone vibrate loudly on the night stand. Apparently not loud enough to wake up jack. I giggle and sleepily grab it and answer the call which is apparently from ethan. "Hey ethan, whats up?" "Hey mark! I was just calling to see if you wanted to do a collab at my place? It would be gang beasts." I laugh, "Yeah sure. Want jack to come too?" I smile at my adorable sleeping man. "Is jack sleeping still?" "Yeah." "Then nah, let the man sleep." "Okay, i guess ill be there soon then." "Okay, see you soon." "See yah." I get up and get dressed. I think about how im gonna let jack know im at ethans. I laugh quietly and write a note on a sticky note and put it on his forehead like he did to me once. I grab my keys and head to ethans. I arrive about an hour later cause of traffic. Making it 9:15 AM. Ethan answers the door happily, giving me a bro hug and welcoming me in. We talk for a bit then go into his recording room and we start. Before i know it its 10 AM and i feel my phone vibrate making me die cause I get distracted. Ethan laughs at me and i stick my tongue out at him. I pause the game and i look at the message. Its a text connected to a picture. It says, "Having fun?" And the picture is an amazon package. I raise an eyebrow and text him back, "hey babyboy. Yeah, ethan just killed me in gang beasts. Whats in the package?" Jack instantly responds saying, "You'll see when you get home... Just message me when you're about to leave okay daddy?" I smirk, "Okay kitten i will." "Purrr." I send a kissy face back and i resume playing with Ethan. About an hour later we finish up and we eat some pizza that tyler ordered, knowing we are always hungry. I take out my phone while shoving some pizza into my mouth. I call jack. "Hiiiii daddy." I giggle, "Hey kitten, being good?" I hear jack giggle, "Maybe... Maybe not." "Yes or no." While sighing he says, "Yeees daddy, ive been good." "Good. Im heading home in a couple minutes." "Okay, yayy!" I smile. "I love you kitten, see you soon." "I love you too daddy." I smile and hang up. Ethan and tyler are eating un phased by the way me and jack speak to eachother, because of past experiences. I finish my pizza and i hug them both goodbye and i head home, only taking 15 minutes because the traffic is gone. I open the door and i see jack on his hands and knees, he is wearing a black and whitecat tail buttplug, kitty ears, kitty paw gloves, thigh high black and white socks, and his collar with the leash attached. He is holding the end of the leash in his hands and he goes on his knees with his hands foward, beggingly. I instantly feel blood rush to my dick. Seeing him naked except for such simple things makes me loose my mind. "Oh god..." Jack cocks his head to the side making me wanna scream. I take the end of the leash from jacks mouth and i pull on it, making him stand for me. He stands still as i circling him, taking in all that is to be seen. I pull on the leash as i start walking towards the couch. Once we are at the arm of the chair, i make jack lean over it, his ass in the air. I smirk, loving seeing his ass with the kitty tail sticking out. I pull the plug out and jack sighs loudly, the feeling affecting him. I slap his ass hard, and he moans lightly. I kiss up his back, biting him and dragging my teeth Back down his back. He bites his lip hard, "Do you want your daddy to fuck you like the dirty little kitten that you are?" Jack nods vigorously, "Yes daddy please." I smirk, "Okay, because you said please."

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