Part 32 ❤💚

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Jacks POV-
I wake up before mark. We are cuddling, im naked and hes in his boxers. His body is so warm against mine. I climb ontop of him and rest my head on his chest. I lay there till mark wakes up. "Hey jack, good morning." I lift my head up and look at him, " Good morning baby. You are really comfy to lay on." Mark laughs lightly, "Good to know." Mark starts running his hands through my hair, its so relaxing. After about ten minutes i get up and grab my boxers and put them on. I hadnt relized before, but it's hot as all hell today. I pick up my clothes and marks and put them in the laundry basket, then i grab us both sweat pants. Mark gets up and puts his on, then he goes to the kitchen and makes us both bowls of cereal, lucky charms. I look at mark, "Lucky charms." "Babe, its cause the taste." I kiss him sticking my tongue into his mouth. "Bet i taste better." "Hell yeah." I laugh and tap on the chair next to me, mark sits. "So, are you going to record with team edge today?" "Yeah, wanna come?" "Sure, but ill be supporting, not in ths video." "Ok." "Kk." We finish up our cereal and start heading to the team edge studio. We knock on the door and matthias answers, "Hey guys, come in. Why no shirt?" Matthias laughs after asking. "Its to hot for shirts." I laugh at marks reply, "Its WAY to hot for a shirt." Mark lookd at me and grins, "Thats cause you are used to the cold of ireland." "True." I sit down in a chair and watch as they make a video, i keep my laughs in and wait till they finish. Mark walks over to me and kisses me after, "That looked fun." "It was." Mark looks up and laughs. "What?" "Nothin..." "Mark... I will tickle you." "No you wont." I tackle mark onto the ground and start tickling him, "BAHAHAHAH YOU ASS HAHAHAHHAHA!!!" Mark is laughing uncontrollably and is flailing, his reaction to being tickled is always cute. Mark manages to say, "OK HAHAH OK ILL TELL YOU HAHAHA JUST FUCKIN AHA STAHHHHPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" I stop and mark giggles even though i stopped tickling him. Whem i tackled him i landed ontop of him with my ass on his crotch and im still sitting that way, with my hands on each side of his head. "So mark, what was it?" "I thought of the day you  arrived at my house, what happened, i thought about how happy i am that we are engaged, and how i cant wait to get married, cause i am happier than i could ever say, that you are mine." My eyes fill with tears, tears of happiness. I lean down and kiss mark passionately on the lips. "I love you markimoo." "I love you jackaboy." Mark takes my hand and puts it on his chest. "Feel that??" "Yeah." His heart is pounding. "You make that happen." I grin like crazy. I hug mark and then get up, i pull him up onto his feet and hug him while standing. I notice that matthias, j-fred and brian are next to the camera and where recording the whole thing. I laugh and continue hugging mark. We end up going home. When we get home we notice a shit ton of YouTube notifications on a video from Hi5 Universe, team edge's office video channel. I click on it and am suprised to see that its the recording of me and mark, from when i said, "That looked fun." To the final kiss that they got on camera. The comments where full of septiplier shippers freaking the fuck out. I look at mark, "Baby." "Yes?" "Im a septiplier shipper." Mark throws his head back with laughter. "Me too, hard core." I giggle and kiss mark. "BOOPER DOOPER!!!" Mark looks at me and takes my waist into his hands and pulls me to him, making our bodies touch, skin to skin, since we are shirtless. He looks down at me, and whispers dreamily, "Booper dooper." 

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