Part 128 ❤💚

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Jacks POV again-
When we get downstairs mark pulls out my chair for me. I smile, "Thanks baby." He kisses my forehead, "You're welcome." I sit and he pushes me in. Before sitting he serves us both. He sits next to me and he eyes me occasionally. I look at him, "Why do you keep looking at me like that?" He shrugs, "You.. You look slightly different since earlier. Kinda depressed i think." I think about my day and remember the guy from the store. My face goes white. "Mark..." He looks at me. "I got sexually assulted when at the store... Then when outside the same guy forcively dragged me into an ally way and he touched me through my clothes... I then kneed him in the dick and ran home." Mark gets up, face bright red. "Do you know this fucking cunts name?" I shake my head no. "M..mark please dont be mad at me. I wouldnt be able to handle it if you were mad at me." Marks face instantly softens, "Kitten.. Im not mad at you. Id never be mad at you for someone else stepping out of line. But if we see him in public, you WILL point him out to me, and i WILL hurt him." I nod. "Okay daddy." I look down at the food and i poke at it. I eat some, but i dont have to much of an appetite. I look at mark who has sat down, seemingly much calmer, knowing he might get to kick the guys ass. "Daddy..." "Yes kitten?" I reach out towards him, grabbing his shirt, "I need you please... I still feel his touch when i only wanna feel yours." Marks face becomes angelic, his expression as soft as a cloud. He smiles, and scoots out his chair. He then picks me up and brings me upstairs. He gently places me on the bed. "I love you jack." "I love you mark." Carefully he removes my shirt, and pants. He caresses my cheek, then he passionately kisses me. He kisses down my chest, to my boxer line. He takes me boxers off and he uses his spit as lube, he pushes into me. I wrap my legs around his waist, "M... Mark.." "Jack!" He takes my hands in his, holding my hands down lovingly. He slowly, and rythmatically starts making love to me, making me forget how that douchebag felt touching me. When we finish we clean up and cuddle, falling asleep more comfy than ever.

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