"Yes, honey! We're having twins! A baby girl and a baby boy! Nashi Dragneel and Salvador Dragneel will be born in 9 months!" Lucy says, wrapping her hands around the back of my neck.

My heartbeat quickens and Juvia hugs Mira as Levy and Erza jump up and down. I kiss Lucy on the lips, my hands on her waist. Nothing could make me happier knowing that I'm having kids with the woman I love and that I'm going to be proposing to her pretty soon.

Sooner than she expects.

"I have a surprise for you." I mutter, and she looks at me weirdly.

"What is it?"

"Turn around and don't look when I tell you." I said, and she turns around.

Everyone goes quiet and I take out a small box from my pocket. The girls gasp and the guys take out their signs that read the four word question everyone asks to their partner.

I kneel down and open the door, looking up at Lucy.

"Turn around, beautiful."

She slowly turns around and averts her eyes downwards to me. She reads the signs and gasps, covering her mouth with her hands in shock.

"Will you marry me?" I ask, super happy.

"Natsu...of course! Of course I'll marry you!" Lucy says, and I take out the ring.

"I think I'm going to faint. Erza, hold me. Oh my goodness." Mira said, gasping for air while I chuckle.

I put the ring onto her ring finger and she gives me a passionate kiss, tears sliding down her cheeks. The two of us gave each other amazing gifts today and it's just a memorable day.

"I love you so much." Lucy says, sniffing.

"Hey, don't cry! C'mon, smile." I whisper while our friends cheer.

"I'm so happy right now. We're engaged and twins are apparently inside my belly. I couldn't be any happier. Do you think it's finally time for us to be happy after everything we've been through?" Lucy asks, wiping away her tears.

"Yes, the two of us deserve it. All of us deserve to be happy right now. So why don't we celebrate for this amazing announcement?!" I shout out, and everyone cheers.

"Congratulations, Lu-chan! You deserve everything amazing the universe can give to you!" Levy says, hugging us both.

"Thank you, Levy! Mira, are you crying!?" Lucy exclaims, and I look at Mira.

She was tearing up and she wipes away her tears, blowing her nose on a handkerchief. I approach her and give her a warm hug, in which she cries even more.

"You two idiots are ruining my makeup. I worked so hard on it. B-But, I'm so happy for you! And if you hurt her, I'm going to kill you in the most painful way, Dragneel!" Mira says, her mood swinging from crying to threatening.

"Y-Yes, ma'am. I got the memo already. And maybe, you can be the godmother of our twins." I whisper to her, and she goes back to crying.

"Oh my goodness, I feel so honored! Thank you so much, Natsu! Ugh, now I wanna be engaged and have a baby growing inside my tummy. But unfortunately, I'm sterile." Mira says, and Larcade approaches her.

"Even if you cannot give me a child, I'll still love you, Mira. There's always adoption." Larcade says, giving her a side hug.

"Who here wants champagne!? Don't worry, it's apple cider and has zero alcohol! I'm learning from my mistakes and I never want to feel that stomachache ever again." Cana says, bringing out a bottle of apple cider and glass cups.

"Well, I'm glad you're learning to quit drinking, Cana. This celebration goes for you as well. Good job in taking care of yourself." Erza says, helping Cana.

"Jeez, thanks Erza!! I feel special now." She says.

This night was filled with so many celebrations and festivity for our happiness. I hope it stays this way forever. But unfortunately, life needs to throw us small rocks or big rocks that hit us so we can get hurt, but later on, heal through time. 

This is my family. This is the amazing FairyTail.


The Most Feared Arrives


Ya'll, so I didn't know if I should leave the music there or not but I did so there you go. Also, tomorrow is my birthday and I'm so excited to be turning another year older than I already am. Life is so good right now and I'm hella nervous and excited for what's to come this year, man!

I have so much to accomplish this year. I wanna learn how to swim, go on adventures and road trips, be much more nicer and friendly, give so much love to my friends and family, and so much more.

So I wanna ask a question now that we're in the positive now. What are you goals you wanna do this year? 

(P.S I had chipotle today and there was no guacamole and I was so sad. Plus, i know this chapter is all over the place and I'm sorry.)

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