Chapter 22-Shocking Summer Holiday

Start from the beginning


Do take care of the villa and the guests. Charge them whatever amount you like and you can spend or save it. Nagisa isn't here. Do make sure Chitose doesn't go crying to his ignorant family.

Alice Maisy Alberto'

Chitose. Who in their right mind wants to babysit that spoilt brat Nagisa keeps fawning over?

"Hey, little Pop. We can always get those guests to babysit." Theodore suggests, and for a moment it seems like an excellent plan.

"Have you forgotten, Theo? They're here on a holiday." I pointed out to my brother, who was sometimes too dumb.

"Um, excuse me? Do you know which room we can take?"

Yes, Theodore and I have completely forgot that the guests have already moved themselves into the spacious living room with a load of luggage.

"I'll show you around!" I say a little too quickly, nudging my brother, who reluctantly took the larger suitcases. "I'm Poppy Hillocks and this is my brother Theodore." those seven teenagers in fancy shades trailed behind me, struggling with their luggage. Too bad, Poppy Hillocks and her so-called helpfulness is as good as it can ever get.

It took one, just one of them to take off their designer shades and I knew who they were. Nagisa's classmates from the land of the rising sun. Did they know about Nagisa and her relation to Alice Maisy? Did they know that this was her villa?

"Oh my god." the short-haired girl says, her eyes focused on the room next to Nagisa's which opened by a crack. Chitose of all people had to get out of his little jet-lagged nap. Come to think of it, why aren't these teenagers facing the toll of jet-lag? I mean, surely the nineteen-hour time difference would have some kind of impact? But no, they look like they were completely fine with the time as it is.

Focusing back to the spoilt brat, I realised he was shocked too. Did they know each other?

"It's the Special A! They're coming to babysit me again, aren't they?" Chitose gives me one of those million-dollar smiles, and I'm more than willing to play along.

I shrug cluelessly. Sucks for them, I have dates to go to.

"Of course they are!" Theodore comes and sweeps Chitose off his feet, rendering him speechless before any nonsense could come out of his mouth. "Now let's get you something to drink." Trust my big brother to attempt to save the awkward tension and made it worse. Chitose struggled against Theodore's grip while I struggled to keep a straight face.

I showed them all to their rooms. The twins, a boy and a girl, were sharing, and so were the two other girls in the group. The others asked for solo rooms. If not for the extra space and various varieties of beds here, I'm sure they would have showed some unhappiness towards their summer-long lodging. And thankfully I had already saved the rooms for David and Adam earlier.

"You're Nagisa's friend, right?" the green haired boy asked me once everyone was settled. I, unlike my brother, changed out of my dripping, salty wetsuit and borrowed one of Nagisa's beach dresses to wear over my bikini.

The Special A were seated at all on the dry parts of the sofa, talking about their plans. I felt really awkward. I lost my wetsuit fool of a brother to Chitose and the Xbox that was left untouched ever since Nagisa left for Japan.

"Yes, why?" I hope he doesn't notice how awkward I'm feeling by the way I speak.

"Oh," he responds after a while. "I was just wondering if I saw you with her before."

He remebered? I guess her really likes her. I took out my phone and began fiddling with it, trying to use my invalid summer social life to do something.

It has been half an hour, nothing has changed. Except the fact that my dying phone finally gave up on life. I looked at one of the fancy analog clocks placed around the house. One o' clock. Someone save me.

Thud, thud, thud. I could hear footsteps at the door. Did we lock it? Oh no. And no one, I mean no one, actually noticed the noise, nor did they care about it apart from me. I feel like I'm in a horror movie. If some angry spirit is coming to claim a human soul I hope they take Chitose's.

I gave myself five hundred mental slaps for watching way too many horror movies. It was just Nagisa, Adam and their surfboards, no big deal.


Nagisa. In Hawaii now. This is her villa. The SA. Chitose.

Oh my god.

People are quite oblivious these days, but I saw the green haired boy and how his facial expression changed as he gazed from Nagisa to Adam. It wasn't pretty.

"Nagisa? Hey! I bet you didn't expect so many people here!" Theodore waved at Nagisa like a child.

"Hey, Theo. Hi everyone." Call it a sixth sense from hanging out with her too long, but Nagisa has not overcome the shock she had upon seeing the SA. She slowly placed her board on the rack and Adam followed suit.

The cold-faced guy, who had a slight resemblance to Nagisa, which I think she pointed out was her cousin once, was also suffering from shock. What a small world, eh? Okay, from the looks of it now, I think he has a seizure or something, if not for the lack of emotion and movement. Judging from his lack of movement, he could belong in the wax museum and no one would know he was a live exhibit.

"Kei, what are you doing here? I thought you guys were going to New York? Akira did mention that in her message." Nagisa looks at her cousin and then at the short-haired girl, whom I now know as Akira.

Akira points at Kei and the girl with long black hair, yapping away in Japanese. I may understand the language a little, but speaking like some bullet train is not helping.

Adam and Theodore look at me confused, and I sent them a puzzled look as all the SA members talk too fast for me to catch up. Chitose simply grins in amusement. That brat.

"That's not the matter. There's so many places to find lodging, how did you find my villa? And it's not even available for any holiday goers!" Nagisa says in Japanese angrily. Finally, she slows down and I get what she said.

"Theo gave Alice Maisy's mobile to them." I rat my brother out in Japanese so that he didn't understand. Theodore gave us a puzzled look, probably understanding "Theo" and "Alice Maisy". I wanted to laugh, but it would ruin everything.

So, Nagisa knows us, the SA and Chitose and we're all probably stuck together for the rest of summer. The SA have some bad history with Chitose, and so do I. So much coincidence in one day, I don't even know how I handled the news.

Today was already so shocking. How would the rest of summer go?

Theodore throws his phone in my direction, making a heart out of his hands.

I look at the caller I.D.

It says 'Little Pop's boy'

I smile to myself and pick up the call, ignoring Theodore's annoying, gagging noises in the background.

"Hey, David."

{published 05/06/2014}


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