Chapter 21: These Are the Days of Our Warners

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty One: These Are the Days For Our Warners

////memories are inbetween here////


Aroma tossed and turned on her cot. Settling 400 little warners wasn't an easy task no matter who you were. She yawned as she started to wake up. She smiled as she watched Yakko with Caress.

Caress continued to cling to his poor trousers. She didn't want to sleep away from him.

"Come on." Yakko smiled at her. "For the 100th time, think of it as a BIG bedroom in the water tower."

Caress continued to cling on.

Aroma smiled. Her little warner was always a clinger. She looked to the right of her at Dot. Dot's Enchantment was sleeping comfortably next to her Enchantment and other warner babies on the floor. Zenny was nearby Dot, his kids sleeping on his shoulders. 'Look how happy they are. Look how happy Zenny is. He's got his family back.' She chuckled a little at her brother's grin. He snuggled up a little closer to Dot. 'He's got Dot back too.'

Aroma stared straight ahead at the endless sea of little warners. Sleeping on the ground, on window panes, on furniture, under furniture, in furniture, they found the strangest places to be comfortable. A little girl earlier actually tried to crawl into a duct for a place to sleep. Luckily, Zenny had spotted her and brought her back down.

Wakko was sleeping in the driver's seat, his feet on the wheel. The ship would be on cruise control for awhile but if anything happened, a sound would beep and Wakko would wake up and take control. Until then, he was just dreaming away.

Aroma looked over at her Tiger. He had isolated himself in a small corner away from everyone. He still wasn't sleeping. He was just watching Yakko with Caress.

Aroma sighed and looked over at Yakko with Caress again. She had introduced him to their son and their baby, but he only smiled and seemed vaguely interested. 'He is learning I guess.'

She proceeded to get up to go over to Tiger. Her little boy was so quiet now. Who knows what they did to him? The words Brain used echoed over and over in her head. How could that happen to her little boy? 'I've never minded the code names before but now I don't want them. I really should give the children real names but I'll have to talk to Yakko. Talk to my male. A phrase I thought I'd never have to use.'

Aroma smiled down at her Tiger as she went over to him. "Hey there, can't you go to sleep?" she smiled. "Do you want to come sleep with momma?" She watched as Tiger shook his head no. She had asked him earlier and he had given her the same answer.

"Well, mommy can sleep over here with you?" Aroma smiled.

Tiger still wouldn't change his mind. He just continued to watch Yakko with Caress.

"I love you." Caress smiled up at Yakko. "You're the best daddy in the whole wide world!"

Yakko just shook his head. He had already told her a hundred times over he wasn't her daddy. She kept saying her mommy told her he was the daddy. It didn't make much sense. Was the dad named Yakko, is that why she was confused? "Not again, Caress."

"Sorry." Caress crawled up and hugged Yakko. For some reason, her daddy wouldn't let her call him daddy.

Tiger couldn't sleep. He still felt scared. 'Why don't I feel happy anymore? Why don't I care to sing? Why don't I like bouncing the way I used to? I'm allowed to now. Why can't I like anything again?'  He shivered as he started to remember what had happened before he was returned to his mommy.

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora