Chapter 19: Starting to Believe

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Nineteen: Starting to Believe

////still using this for memories////


The facility base…

"WHAT?!" All the warners shouted.

"What are you talking about?!" Dot started to laugh. "This little warner? This little girl right here?"

"Uhhh, I…" Yakko's voice started to slide as he tried not to laugh. "…think somebody got into some bad cheese."

"Really bad," Wakko laughed.

"I did not get into bad cheese." The Brain frowned. "Somehow, this is Dr. Fay."

"I'm not a Dr. Fay yet," Caress disagreed. "I'm just a Ms. Fay right now."

"You grew up. You became a Dr. Fay." Brain said firmly. "Somehow, you have reverted to your true warner self." He went over and took the blindfold off of her. If she was Dr. Fay, surely she could handle the environment around her.

"Huh?" Caress scratched her head. "Pinky? What's Brainy talking about?"

"You were big and mean. Now your small! Poit!" Pinky grinned.

"Huh?" Caress scratched her head again. "Eww…" She added as she looked around.

"Yeah. Uhh…no. No!" Yakko laughed. "Are you nuts? She's just a lost little warner."

"You didn't get into…more than just cheese?" Wakko asked suspiciously.

Dot giggled. "Maybe he found the happy cookies."

"I did not find the happy cookies." Brain said firmly. "Look at her foot. Only she would have that mark on her foot."

The warners bent down and saw the scarred mouse shape on her foot.

"Ouch, kid!" Dot seethed, imagining what the pain felt like for her again. "Did Dr. Fay do that?"

"One of them." Caress answered softly. "I had to."

"That's horrible!" Aroma's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding? They forced it on you?" She just couldn't believe it. "They've NEVER hurt the little warners before. They always take it out on us, not the kids."

Dot agreed. "You're right. They've never hurt the kids since I've been here. Well, except the Caress thing." Dot gave in. "My poor girl gagged for half an hour!"

"I had to." Caress said again. She smiled at Pinky and The Brain.

"I remember…" Pinky did not seem joyful.

"It was long ago Pinky, Do not dwell upon it." The Brain said firmly. He looked over at Caress. "Ms. Fay. How did you revert back to your warner self?"

"Ms. Fay?" Yakko looked over at Wakko. "I don't remember any of the kids going by that."

"We all do now," Caress insisted. "After mommy and daddy left…"

"Left? We've been here," Aroma insisted. "Your mommy and daddy must still be here."

"No, the observers said they left. They said they stopped loving me," Caress insisted. "I don't wanna believe them."

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