Chapter 51 Part 2: LONG Time No See!

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Fifty One Part Two: LONG time no see!

Who cares where...who cares when...

"The little pipsqueaks here." The Tiger smiled with pleasure. He was looking at some potato chip crumbs scattered on the alley floor. The packing was in a foreign language that the Earth would not know, it had to be Tiger's. "Where is he?"

"Pipsqueak? Tiger?" Yakko smiled. "Well, I'll be. I thought you'd wait to come get me after you found him." He tisked. "Not very smart, are you?"

"Shut up!" The Tiger frowned. He looked around himself again. 'He's not far.' "Where are you . . ." He growled under his breath. "I know you're here."

"Whoah," Yakko just chuckled. "Calm down kitty."

"It's The Tiger! Not Kitty!" The Tiger swung at him but easily missed.

"Well, what do you think a Tiger is?" Yakko just smiled. "It's just a really big kitty."

"A dangerous kitty," The Tiger yelled at him.

"Yes, yes. You're a dangerous kitty," Yakko gave in. "Alright dangerous kitty, can we go now?"

"You! Fuck You! Grrr!!" The Tiger was frustrated. No matter what he ever said, or did, it never got under the warners skin. For the last month Yakko just let it roll off of him. "I'm gonna drop you off somewhere and leave you."

"Sure, sure," Yakko nodded. "You bet kitty."

The Tiger wanted to keep yelling, but for his plan to work, he had to have the element of surprise on his side. He started walking again.

"What? No comeback?" Yakko teased. He felt happy. 'Now, all I have to do is get Tiger away from him for good, and then turn him into a little warner. I don't know how, but it can't be that hard.'

The Tiger stopped as he heard laughter and the strumming of a guitar ahead. The player sounded like he was just relaxing, repeating the introduction from 'Stairway to Heaven' over and over again on the guitar.

The Tiger looked around the corner and grinned wickedly. "Bingo."

Yakko looked over on The Tiger's side to see what he saw. 'Huh? No way. That's him? Impossible!'

Tiger was strumming his guitar while Rita was wagging her tail gently to the music. Runt was laying next to Rita on the ground just relaxing.

Tiger just continued to play. He bopped his feet on the ground. "Geez, how dull of a day can you get?"

"We could go to Hawaii and get a snow cone!" Runt stood up and started to wag his tail.

"Nah, I don't feel like going to Hawaii again," Rita complained. "Besides, it's nice here. Just..." She purred. "Hanging out."

Tiger laughed and started to change his guitar song. "Yeah, but we need to get out of this alley. The Tiger'll find us if we stay in one place too long you know. We have to stay ahead. I'm not getting caught again." He started to stand up straighter and changed to a more exciting tune that fit his mood. He started to sing with his guitar.

"I used to be the kind of guy
who'd never let you look inside,
I'd smile when I was crying.

I had nothing but a life to loose
Thought I had a lot to prove
In my life, there's no denying."

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