Chapter 27: Tiger's Unhappy Adventure

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty Seven: Tiger's Unhappy Adventure

If the letters are in caps LIKE THIS. It means Tiger is just remembering parts of the old recording.

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.


In the Den, somewhere different...

Tiger felt a little better as he hung out with Limey and Licky. They weren't as active as other warners. "You're different too?"

"Dad told us it's a phase." Limey smiled. "Where our emotions go up and down. Lately, I've been up and Licky has been kind of down."

"Yeah." Licky agreed as he drew on some paper. "There's no reason for it, you just don't feel like playing or singing or anything."

"...I've been like that." Tiger said slowly.

"We change colors sometimes too." Limey smiled. "I was yellow with an orange nose for a whole week last month! I don't know how I did it or how it stopped. Daddy just said it was normal."

"So Tiger?" Licky tried to smile. "How long have you felt down? I get down about every two days or so."

"I'm only down for a couple of hours!" Limey grinned. "So what about you Tige?!"

"I'm not really down. I feel scared and different." Tiger replied. "I've felt that way for about..." Tiger tried to remember. How long? "Maybe a month ago?"

"Yeah? I started two years ago," Licky said. "But how long have you felt that way? That's what I was asking."

"...a month." Tiger repeated.

"No. You're not getting it." Limey just laughed at him. "Not when you first started! How long do you feel that way. An hour? A day?"

Tiger just frowned at them. The closeness he had felt was starting to dwindle. These warners weren't the same. "...a month."

"What?! You mean, you haven't wanted to go boingy or sing or anything like that for a month?!" Limey yelled in disbelief.

Tiger nodded his head.

Limey started to step back. "Hey, how long has your color been like that? How old are you?"

Tiger started to feel edgy vibes coming from Limey and Licky. "...a month. I'm not quite a decade. What?"

"Uhhh...G-grammy? Grammy?!" Limey yelled out as he started to run.

Licky stayed over by Tiger, but not too close as Grammy Happy arrived.

"What's the hubbub?" Grammy demanded.

Licky gesture toward Tiger. "He's not a warner."

"He is too a warner," Grammy scolded Licky. "He's just been treated differently."

"Nah Grammy, he ain't!" Licky whined. "He's WeIrD! He's giving everybody the heebie jeebies! Limey completely ran away!"

"Boy, I told you he's been treated differently!" Grammy scolded. She took Tiger's hand and smiled. "Don't you worry about them. They think everyone goes through changes the same. You're a perfectly normal warner. Understand?"

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