Chapter 52: Looking for Answers

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.Just An Experiment

Chapter Fifty Two: Looking For Answers

Sedona, Arizona...2004 ...

Yakko rocked back and forth on his feet as he stood in the nice hotel. He'd never been to a nice hotel in Arizona before. He just stood and watched as Tiger shelled out the money.

"Sir, there's only enough for one," the check-in woman replied. "Your cat should be in a carrier as well, and I'm afraid your dog may be bigger than our standards allow."

"Only one. He can pay for himself or sleep outside for all I care." Tiger glared at Yakko.

"Sleep outside?" Yakko frowned. "You know, you're such a- it's hot out there!" Tiger just shrugged like he didn't care at all. Yakko didn't budge though. Instead, he walked over with some money he still had. "There." He gave the lady some money for his own room.

"And your pets?" The polite lady smiled at Tiger while she handed Yakko his card. "Sir, your dog may be too heavy for the standards."

"They're coming with me." Tiger smiled as he picked up Rita and patted Runt. Runt started scratching and the studs on his leather collar shined like they were diamonds as his movement jingled his leash. "They'll want some human food in the morning too. Runt starts to eat whatever if he can't have any food."

"It's a bad habit. Definitely a bad habit. I'm trying to change," Runt said as he started to scratch his ear with his back leg again.

"Umm, I don't think that's possible." The lady frowned. This cartoon was not listening to her. "And as I said before, your cat needs to be in a carrier as well." Yakko watched Tiger shell out even more money for his pets. The lady smiled and gave him his room card key. "Personally, sir. I will personally take care of that for you. Don't worry about your cat or your dog. If anyone asks, come back and I will guide you to your room. Anything else? Extra soap, more coffee, you name it and I will be more than happy to help."

"No, we should be fine. Thanks." Tiger started to lead Runt away on the leash while still holding Rita.

Yakko hit his forehead and tagged along. 'I don't get it. Why does he hate me so bad? I never said anything bad to him. I couldn't be there when he was growing up, but I don't think that's it. He wasn't mad at his mom or anyone else. Why me? Why just me? "Hey." Tiger ignored him of course as he continued to walk to his room. "Yo." He'd find a way to break through to Tiger sooner or later. "Was it necessary to give her as much money as the room cost, just for your pets?"

"I take care of my family," Tiger said. That's all he would say.

Yakko kept walking. "I took care of my family too." He was getting the point. "The den we had stayed in, I paid for it. The clothes everyone wore, I paid for it. Even your mom's flower, I paid for that."

"So what, you want a trophy?" Tiger glared back at him. "What? Do you want me to pay you back?"

"No." Yakko frowned. "You're not getting it, kid! Why are you so angry at me? What did I ever do?"

"Nothing." Tiger turned back around. "Absolutely nothing to this 'kid'."

"Then why are you so angry at me? Warners shouldn't be angry." Yakko smiled, hoping it would help. "We're zany and happy!"

"I'm zany and happy too," Tiger said. "Just in a different way."

"Well, you seemed nice to that lady," Yakko agreed. "I just wished you'd put whatever you have against me aside. Help me instead?"

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon