Chapter 62: Off One Last Time

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Sixty-Two: Off One Last Time


One week later...

"So cold . . ." The Tiger started to tremble.

Aroma tried to get near him. "Do you need a blanket?"

Zenny and Dot were both keeping a close eye on their own kids. It was important not to let The Tiger change back, but at the same time, they did have their own family to worry about.

"I don't know. I just feel cold." The Tiger rubbed up and down on his shoulders. "I'm cold, momma. I feel scared."

"He's trying to take control," Yakko said, remembering how Tiger acted when they first met.

"Then get him out Yakko," Dot whined. She couldn't take it anymore. "He can't change around here."

"She's right. He'll tear everything up and destroy us," Zenny agreed.

"He's my son!" Aroma protested. "He hasn't changed yet, we can't just kick him out onto the streets." She looked over at Yakko for some kind of support.

"We're not kicking him out," Yakko said firmly. There were no if's, and's, or but's about it. "He's staying right here."

"He's gonna change," Dot protested. "Yakko, I know he's your son, but-"

"I won't mess this up!" Yakko yelled. "Don't you get it? I don't know why the rip is slowly mending, but it's gotta be because of him. He changed back to the warner he should be."

"But he's not a warner," Zenny protested. "We made the mistake once of not locking him up when we had the chance. He's a monster!"

The Tiger started to shiver even more. 'Monster. I'm a monster...'

"He is not a monster! He's my son, Zenny!" Aroma disagreed vehemently.

"He has the monster inside." Dot looked over at Yakko, trying to make him see. "It was okay at first. He was acting normally, Yakko, but he's getting too nervous and too scared and no one can make him feel better. You know what that means. You're putting everyone at risk keeping him here."

"I'm sorry!" The Tiger whined as he rocked back and forth. He looked over at his momma. "Momma? Where do I go?"

"Nowhere!" Aroma growled at Dot and Zenny. "He's part of this family, he's not going anywhere!"

"He's still The Tiger! And The Tiger is gonna gain more control, Aroma!" Zenny yelled at his sister. "I'm sorry, I am. But he's not really your son, and he just cannot stay here."

"Yakko?" Dot tried to give her biggest and best round eyes. "What about the others? What about my kids? What about your babies? Please big brother? Think?"

"Yakko, we cannot kick him out." Aroma looked dead on at Yakko. "He's not the bad one."

"He's just A Tiger, Yakko," Dot tried to remind him. "He's a future Yakko's son, he's not yours. He doesn't even belong here."

Tiger continued to rock. He was about to be thrown out into the cold again, he knew it. "I don't belong here?"

"You're my son." Aroma went over and stroked The Tiger's head. "Big or little, future or past, you're my son."

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