Chapter 38: My, How Things Used To Be

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty Eight: My, How Things Used To Be.


Santa Ana, California....

'I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here. I don't wanna be here.' "Hey Cuz, it's great to be here!" Yakko smiled fakely.

"Cousins!" Sakko was delighted. His cousins did not come visit him that often. Which never made any sense. Many years ago, he came back to them and they seemed delighted. He had decided not to stay in the tower, but he still wasn't that far away. Not even outside of California. "You haven't visited in so long, I thought you'd forgotten about me!"

"Oh, we couldn't do that." Dot smiled fakely as well. "No matter how much we tried."

"Cousin Sakko?" Wakko tried to fake his smile. "Can we borrow your spaceship?"

Yakko and Dot both looked at Wakko disapprovingly. They were supposed to ease themselves into asking that. Otherwise-

"What? Are you trying to leave me on Earth?" Cousin Sakko whined. "Surely, you aren't going back to Anima...all grown up?" Sakko took a double take on them. Dot was wearing a skirt and a top with her dress and was taller. Yakko was taller too, and even Wakko was a bit taller now. They had grown up. "I turn my back for so long, and look what happens." Sakko whined and bringing out a handkerchief from nowhere began to sniffle. "You're all growing up. Soon, you'll be the trees the nuts fall out of, not the nuts themselves!"

"...Yeah." Yakko responded. "Anyway, it's kind of important. We'll be back."

"Only if you can tell me something," Sakko grinned.

"Something." Yakko, Wakko and Dot all replied.

Sakko laughed. "It should have enough gas. Come with me."

Hiding inside of a closet...

"Are you going to be nice and invite me along?" Sakko asked nicely.

"Well, me never returned my phone calls or came for visits or remembered my birthday." Dot joked. "I think me should stay here."

Sakko smiled. "Cuz, I still can't get over how pretty you look! I didn't expect you to blossom for another decade at least."

"Oh well, spring came early." Dot smiled as she started to head toward the spaceship. Many years ago when the Warner Trio came to Earth, they had come with their Cousin Sakko. He was the one with the ship. It wasn't the best. It only held about four and it was cramped. Ships were usually pretty expensive though, and they all had to pool their money together just to buy the little thing.

"Knock Knock!"

Yakko, Wakko and Dot all hid their groan and just grinned at their cousin. It was time for one of his corny knock knock jokes. "Who's there?" They all replied at the same time.

"Ca-Ni!" Sakko smiled.

"Ca-Ni who?" The Warner Trio replied together.

"Ca-Ni come?" Sakko grinned. "I haven't been home in ages. Come to think of it, I think I was better off there. Much more appreciated."

'Not really.' Yakko smiled. "I don't know. Let me talk to my sibs."

The Warner Trio all gathered round each other.

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