10.Meet Dr. Fay

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and a couple of extras. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Ten: Meet Dr. Fay


"Samantha? Yo. Are you waking up anytime soon?"

Samantha moaned as she started to move around. "...?" As she started to get her bearings, she stood up.

"Hey there again."

Samantha looked over to the next cell over. Pure glass was the only thing separating her from the other creatures. She looked a little better as she realized the creature talking was Dot. "Dot?"

"Yeparooney!" Dot grinned. "New place bites the big one, doesn't it?"

"Where are we?" Samantha frowned. "Why am I caged up?"

"Same reason I am." Dot smiled. "Same reason everyone is really." Her smile became a little sadder. "We're all experiments."

"Experiments? Wait, no...no, no, no..." Samantha couldn't believe it. "I'm a human, they wouldn't test on me!"

"Well, sorry to disappoint you kid," Dot said. "It doesn't matter to them."

"What?" Samantha didn't understand a thing but she understood even less as she saw Dot's children playing with Enchantment in the corner. "What?!"

Dot smiled. "Don't sweat it. I wouldn't have seen the trick either. Yeah, that is Caress and Tiger playing with Enchantment."

"But Caress was left behind and I tried to save her," Samantha cried out in confusion. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine, she was taken out as soon as you left. I know. I watched. Don't worry, my Caress is fine." Dot gestured her arms all around. "Everyone has a Tiger, A Caress, an Enchantment, a Tigger..." Dot moaned. "Another one probably soon."

"I-I..I..I-I'm confused!" Samantha replied as she looked all around. She saw warners, humans, strange creatures of all different shapes and sizes. "Where am I? Please just tell me that much?"

"I guess one of their bases." Dot just shrugged her shoulders. "The facility is in a moving stage to another planet. Hope you said goodbye to Nebraska. Well, Earth for that matter."

Dot felt a little sorry for the human who looked like she was about to blow up out of frustration. "Do you want me to explain a little bit?"

"Yes!" Samantha cried out.

"Okay," Dot said. "You see the little table in your new cage? On it there's a piece of paper. You're supposed to record your results."

"Results?" Samantha seemed confused. "What results?"

"Alright Sam. Can I call you Sam?" Dot smiled.

"Sure, I guess," Samantha replied slowly.

"Good. You can call me Dot, but call me Dottie and you die." Dot smiled at her sweetly. "Go over to the paper and just look at it first."

Samantha went over to the table and sat down. She saw a strange slim but tall object next to the paper.

"You write with that. It's like a laser, but just for paper. Hold it like a pencil." Dot explained. "It'll mark the paper once the two touch."

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