Chapter 53 Part 1: Wakko Steps Up

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Fifty Three Part One: Wakko Steps Up

Wakko fidgeted with his fingers nervously as an observer came by. "W-well?" Over the last month, Wakko had gotten used to the routine. So, even though it would eventually happen, he still wasn't quite prepared...

When the observer nodded his head. "Success. 41591 has been conceived. You're a father."

Wakko and Centric both stood there, not knowing how to act, when the observer just walked off. Wakko looked at the ground. Centric preferred the ground as well, but tears were welling up in her eyes.

'They never came.' Wakko closed his eyes as he realized the truth he had been dreading. His family was never going to come for him. He had trouble swallowing, his throat had become so dry.

Centric just went over to the other side of the glass and laid down. She couldn't help a small cry that escaped as she heard the screams around them again. 'It's come. The day I enter that room! The day that I might die...'

Her small cry hadn't escaped Wakko. He walked over to her. 'It's happened, there's nothing I can do now. I have to be brave now, no one's coming for us. I have to be the brave one for...f-for my family now.' Wakko tried to smile at Centric. "It's okay, Centric."

Centric ignored eye contact and closed her eyes. She couldn't help as another cry got awake. Then, a small choke. Her mouth was too dry, she couldn't help it.

Wakko crouched down beside her and pulled her to him. "It's gonna be okay, Centric. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you." Wakko firmly but gently took her chin and made her face him. He smiled. "It's gonna be okay. I know what you're thinking right now. You're not gonna die, don't worry!" he laughed. "You remember how powerful we are."

"The procedure is sooo unstable," Centric finally yelled as she broke down on him. "I don't wanna die!"

"You won't." Wakko said very firmly. He kept his kidding aside and spoke to her seriously. "I won't let you or the baby die. I promise."

Centric stared at Wakko. He looked so sure of himself. So confident? "How?"

"A warner is as powerful as their zaniness. Their happiness, Centric!" Wakko laughed. "I'm really zany, you're really zany, and this baby will be zany." He chuckled. "Why, were the zaniest warners in here! We're sure to be fine."

Centric smiled at him. "You're so positive, Wakko. I...I can't help but believe you."

Wakko grinned. All those years, Yakko had always been the big brother that pulled him and Dot through anything. He'd always been the solid stone. Now, it was Wakko himself who had to be the strong one. The rock to hold them together. Pretty amazing what the phrase 'You're a father' could do to a guy.

"Well, I-if it does survive." Centric began to believe. "How will I know how to be a good mommy?"

Wakko shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, Centric. You'll be a great mommy though. And, I'll be a good dad. Somehow."

Centric nodded. "I really want to believe you, Wakko. That were gonna be okay. So, I am. I will. I will!" she said with more determination. "We're gonna be just fine. You, me, and Wakko Junior!"

"...Wakko, Junior?" Wakko didn't know how he felt about the name. "I guess that would be his name. What if it's a girl though?"

"It won't be." Centric became sad again. "Once a warner is first pregnant, the sex is always known the first two times. The first is always male and named Tiger. The next is always female and named Caress. Still..." She smiled at him. "Until he's born we're allowed to refer to him with any name we want."

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