Chapter 45 Part 2: For the Love of Pets

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Forty-Five Part II: For the Love of Pets


Dot and Zenny were hiding near the outside of Scratchansniff's office. He was inside talking with Samantha.

Samantha was trying to be as sweet as she could. Scratchansniff was really a nice guy but he wasn't her type. He was just a nerdy goof. She had tried to dig him for information about The Warner Brothers and how to get them out of the tower, but he really didn't know as much as she thought he would. So, knowing she would have to go figure something else out, she was trying to let the guy down easy. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Which wasn't as easy as she thought.

"Yes, yes." Scratchansniff insisted. "You are no longer interested." He sighed. "It does not matter. You are still carrying a great deal of pain about something. Let me help you?"

"You don't understand. You have no chance," Samantha said stubbornly.

"I understand," Scratchansniff said firmly. "Still, I am a psychiatrist. You are in some kind of trouble, I can tell. Please let me help you?"

"I don't need a shrink." Samantha frowned. "I'm fine."

"In my professional opinion, I do not believe so," Scratchansniff continued.

Samantha stood up from her chair. "Look Scratch, I don't care. I'm not gonna pay money up the ying yang just to hear your advice."

"Then don't." Scratchansniff looked at her seriously. "This will be a free session."

Samantha didn't know what to do. She told the guy off, and he still wanted to help her? For free? "Oh, and what? 200 for the next session?"

"200?" Scratchansniff looked at her a bit funny. 200 was way too high for a single session. "Ees that a joke, Samantha?"

Samantha sighed. That's right. The cost of a dollar was different in the 1940's. "You can't help."

"How do you know?" Scratchansniff countered. He smiled at her. "Even a friendly ear who can do nothing, is better than nothing."

Dot just groaned. She and Zenny could hear Scratchansniff perfectly outside. "Oh, geez. Ya see?" Dot just rolled her eyes. "This is why he always got trampled on by women." She started to mock him. "All the 'I understand you have no interest, but I still want to help you. Free of charge.' Can somebody throw this guy a clue?"

Zenny just chuckled at Dot as he held her closer. "Some guys are different that way."

"Oy." Dot groaned as she fell into Zenny's lap haphazardly. She started to kick her feet. "I'm telling ya, Zen, Scratchansniff was never good with women. We even tried to help him out sometimes, and he still couldn't land one. A date per girl, that's all he ever got. Young or old, he's still clueless."

Zenny just smiled and put his hands behind his head. He looked up at the sky. "Well, even though we got separated, at least we didn't end up on a bad planet at a bad time."

"True." Dot gave in. She sat up on Zenny's lap. "Earth in 1943 is a lot better than a lot of other places out there." She stared up at the sky too. It was bright blue, so gorgeous . . . except for the pink and purple ominous clouds section again. "I'm getting more worried about those every day." Dot looked over at Zenny. "That was on Earth in 1994. You could see it from Anima then too. And in 1943?"

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