3: Meet the Experiments

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  Dot had tried for years, in every way she could possibly imagine. Her cage was foolproof. Glass that couldn't break, bins that she couldn't even break to create a hole. 

Dot yawned in the corner. With one of her hands, she rubbed her eyes. "Whatever they gave me made me  sleepy." She yawned again as she looked out her cell. There were some humans making notes about her. "Yeah, it made me tired. How long does it take to put that on a piece of paper?"  Then, she smiled as she looked at the small little bundle in her arms. "Humans are just weird creatures aren't they, Enchantment? They are, aren't they? Yes, they are. Yes, they are." The very small warner in her arms just cooed.

"Mom? Can I have that cookie they just sat in your bin?"

Dot looked over at her eldest child. He wore white pants and a white shirt. Her whole family wore white including her. Her simple days of a cute pink skirt were gone, along with the rest or her freedom. Another cookie? "No, Tiger. I eat the things they send through there. If you want a cookie, I'll get you one." 

There were only two bins in the glass prison that had become her home. One was for the regular goodies. Safe, usually for the kids. The second bin was hers. 'Special' treats usually came in that one that only she was supposed to take.

"Can I have one too, mommy?"

Dot looked at her other daughter, Caress. She had her mom's unmistakable cuteness. Oh, if she could have only worn something besides a white shirt and pants she would have been absolutely adorable. Dot rubbed her head affectionately. "Yeah sure, I'll get one for you two." She yawned again but fighting the sleep briefly to take care of her kids, she went up to the glass and pounded on it yelling, "Yo! Da Alien wants three normal cookies, stat!"

Three cookies were pushed in through a small opening in the first bin.

Tiger and Caress grabbed the cookies and started eating them.

"Yummy, yummy. I got chocolate with chocolate chips," Tiger yelled.

"So? I got walnuts in my chocolate cookie," Caress giggled. She ran the extra over to her mommy. "Here ya go mommy."

Dot smiled as she took her daughter's cookie. She looked down at her baby. "Lookie Enchantment, it's a cookie. Yum, yum." She bit off pieces and let the little warner enjoy the rest of the yumminess. "Mmm, yummy, huh? Slobbery little cookie muncher, aren't ya?"

Caress and Tiger went over to watch their baby sister eat the cookie.

"She's so tiny. When's she gonna grow and play with us ma?" Tiger asked his mom.

"Oh, it'll be awhile." Dot rubbed her nose against her baby Enchantment's. "My cute little slobbery cookie eater." Enchantment grinned at her momma as she slobbered happily on the cookie.

"Momma, was I really that little?" Caress tilted her head.

"Oh of course," Dot giggled. "You were just as small as Enchantment not very long ago."

"No way," Tiger pointed at himself. "I don't remember being like that momma."

"You were too little to remember, silly," Dot said.

Tiger and Caress both sat by their mom. "Momma, it's almost TV hour!" Tiger and Caress both yelled at the same time.

Dot's ears rang. She felt like she was in the center of a ringing bell. "Don't do that," she yelled. She looked at Enchantment. The little warner had spinning eyes. "Your sister's too small to deal with high sounds so close, so be good."

"But you yelled just now," Tiger complained.

"Only to get the point across," Dot pointed out, "and it wasn't half as loud." She sighed. "Alright, which channel are we supposed to watch?"

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Where stories live. Discover now