Chapter 22: No One Ever Knew About

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty Two: No One Knew About Them

////memories are inbetween here////


Wakko and Yakko's eyes grew wide.

"Dot?!" Wakko grabbed her arm and looked at it closely. "They did this to you?"

Dot pulled her arm away and tried to laugh. It was really hard not to get serious. Too much was happening around them. "Yeah…it really hurt." She looked over at Yakko pleadingly. "She's a real nice female, Yakko. One of the best you could ever have. Please?"

Yakko pulled her arm back over to him. "They burned you?!" He grabbed his head. He wasn't there to protect his little sister!

"Yakko," Dot scolded. "Pay attention. Look, Aroma wanted to let you choose! Be a dad, or don't. If you are, she'll be a good female to you. If you don't, she'll treat you like an average warner. Okay? There's no reason to reject her."

Yakko slowly nodded his head.

Zenny slowly shook his head. "Aroma's not his female."

"Zenny." Dot said in a warning tone.

"Okay, how about this?" Wakko tried to smile. "We're all gonna live together anyhow. If Yakko doesn't treat Aroma any different, then Zenny doesn't treat Dot any different. We'll all be like friends!"

Yakko tried to think straight. He had a female. He had kids. He had family? He NEVER planned on that so soon. Maybe when he was 8 centuries, or maybe even 7 centuries, but now? He hadn't even been an adult warner for 10 years! He didn't know the first thing about being a dad! What was he supposed to do?

Wakko kept waiting for an answer. "Hello?"

Zenny sighed. "No, I can't." He smiled at Dot. "I like being your male."

Dot blushed. "Well, I like-"

"I don't like!" Wakko interrupted the two. The nerve. Some warner moving in on Dot. Well, at least they had collateral. "Okay, new rule." Wakko pointed at Zenny. "Whatever you do with Dot…Yakko can do with Aroma." He grinned triumphantly.

Take that baby sister snatcher.

"What do you mean whatever I do?" Zenny whined. He looked over at Dot.

Dot shrugged her shoulders. "What do you think?" Dot asked Zenny.

"I think it sounds fine." Wakko smiled happily. He looked down at Yakko. His brother still wasn't running on all cylinders yet. "Yakko? What do you think?"

"Huh?" Yakko wasn't even listening. He was trying to understand everything. 'Three kids. I have three little warners? And one on the way?! Oh, I forgot about that. I'll be a dad of four. I just got over my teen phase, this is not fair. How could this happen? Me! A dad? And not even know it?'

"The deal with Aroma and you." Wakko smiled at Yakko. "What do you think?"

"Deal?" Yakko asked again. 'Three warners. Two kids, one baby, one unborn…aah! How am I gonna do this? I don't know the first thing about being a dad. What if I mess up? No, no, no. Being an uncle is one thing, being Caress' dad is completely different. And…oh, those kids.' Yakko sighed. 'That's why she introduced me?' He looked briefly over at Aroma's Tiger who was staring back at him. 'Ah! That one? The creepy little one is mine? Oh great, of all the luck! Hundreds of warner kids and I end up with the spooky one. Okay, okay. He's my kid, can't think of him as spooky. It's not his fault. I'm sure Brain'll find a way to cure him.'

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