15. Listening to Pinky

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and a couple of extras. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Fifteen: Listening to Pinky


In a small abandoned warehouse in Burbank...

Zenny swayed back and forth with the music on the radio as he continued to type on his computer. In a corner, two familiar mice were examining and standing on some blueprints that were at least 10 times bigger than them.

The Brain continued to ponder as he walked around the blueprints. He had been studying the signal detector for the last 2 days since they last met the Warner Brothers. "Dr. Fay has updated her signaling software again Pinky. This must be her latest design."

Pinky just gave him a blissful grin.

"Now, let's check this Caress thing out. Hope for their sake it is just a little emotional experiment." Zenny started punching in some numbers into his computer. "Yo Mr. Rat, what was Yakk's number again?"

"I'm a mouse, not a rat." The Brain frowned. He told Zenny that many times already. Zenny continued to keep calling him Mr. Rat or just plain Mr R. for some reason. The Brain walked over to the right and looked at the number there. "Yakko Warner's I.D. number is 41590-93."

Zenny started to punch the numbers in. "Alright Yakko, let's see what Caress' I.D. is." He hacked into Dr. Fay's database and typed in the information he knew. Hopefully, it was their niece but there were tons of Caress' in Dr. Fay's lab. Any first born warner girl was automatically named that. He scrolled down, not bothering to look at any of the list of experiments she had put Yakko through. He just looked at the last part. Caress' involvement would show her true I.D. number. "41592-86?" Zenny stopped moving with the music on the radio. "Why does that ring a bell?"

"Could you please turn the music down Zenny." The Brain complained. "I am trying to concentrate on this."

"Yeah yeah Mr. R." Zenny typed in Caress' I.D. number.

'This is much more advanced than usual. She wanted to keep extra good tabs on the Warner Brothers for some reason.' The Brain said to himself. 'Hmm...why such an advanced design for just a couple-'


The Brain turned around and saw Zenny on the floor. He had fallen out of his chair.

"Zenny! Are you alright?!" Pinky asked with worry.

Zenny looked a little out of it for a second but started to get up. "No way!" He hit his chair. "That's not their niece. That's my niece. I knew that number was familiar."

"Congratulations." The Brain replied. "May we go back to work now?"

"Why my niece?" Zenny frowned. He started to look back into Caress' records. "...?" He kept scrolling. "Pages and pages of experiments? What was so special about her?"

The Brain continued to look at the blueprints, Zenny started to type in his sister's I.D. number and investigating. Pinky was helping by playing with some string The Brain had handed to him.

"Yo Mr. R, gonna need your help over here." Zenny frowned. "My sister's page is highly encrypted. I can't get passed it."

"Encrypted? Interesting." The Brain stayed still as Zenny went over and placed him on his shoulder, then went back over to the computer. 'We are hacking straight into her observer's database. This warner's file is higher than even her observers are allowed to view?'

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