8.Everybody Needs A Hero

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Countdown: 2 hours remaining...

Gerald yawned as he looked at his watch. "Two more hours still?" He shook his head. "It's a good think I'm getting a raise after this. What about you, Rebecca?"

"It's Samantha," Samantha corrected.

"Oh. Uh, sorry." Gerald shrugged his shoulders. "That's right, you're the new girl." Gerald stretched again. "I really need a break."

Samantha tried not to act like that made her happy. After all, he said that every hour now. "Why don't you quit saying it, and just take one?" She tried to make contact as Gerald went to the bathroom but he had only been gone for a few seconds and he hadn't left since.

"Naw, naw. If I want my raise, I have to stay," Gerald grumbled. He looked over at the specimen.

Caress tapped on the window. "Where's mommy?" Unfortunately, the scientists couldn't hear her. She was in a soundproof glass cage for some reason. She looked around herself. It actually wasn't completely glass. Parts of it were metal. Then, the ceiling was different too. It had strange attachments to it that seemed to come out from other rooms. It was similar to the attachments in her regular cell with her mommy. They had been used in the past to put different kinds of gas through to make her family sleepy.

"Are you gonna make me sleepy?" Caress spoke again. "Can I go back now?" Caress was actually trying to talk to the scientists. Her mom had told her never to talk to them, but she'd been separated from her mommy for some time now. She was starting to get really scared.

"Yeah, you know this was actually pretty smart of you Samantha. You're new, right?" Gerald smiled. "Yeah, Dr. Fay likes people who see things through to the end. This'll really push you up into the chain," He winked. "Trust me, the higher you are, the better the perks."

I'll be higher in the chain? Finally. Samantha looked briefly toward Caress. I need to get high in that chain. I can't let her just go though. Years of investigating is gonna go down the tube. I can't let the little girl go though. If I do something, I'll lose everything else. It was the same dilemma, over and over again. The research lab had been making waves that may not have been seen by everyone, but the people she worked for, saw them years ago. Once someone put two and two together about the Warner Brothers though, things started to change. Her company still kept several people out of the business, but more people were butting into the lab's business. While the extra help would be nice, putting it on the map was apparently making it move.

This place wasn't for lab rats, it was for creatures no one would ever believe. Aliens. All kinds of different aliens were behind each cage, each one doing different tests that she never really understood. Yet, at the same time it seemed like there was something else wrong.

Dr. Fay. She had never even once seen a picture of the one said to be in charge. The food some of the aliens ate, there was no way it was from Earth. Even the technology around the place, it seemed plundered from somewhere else. It was a big operation. An important one. If she could stay with the lab, watch it a little longer, and see where it was going? They couldn't get away, and these strange aliens would be out of here, and the world could finally get some answers.

But . . . the longer she watched the little girl, the more she knew she couldn't do 'whatever it took'. It was stupid. Her company would fire her when they found out, but she wasn't going to be responsible for the death of a little girl.

She had contacts, many contacts that she could try to reach to get Caress out. As soon as she made the move, her top secret mission would be over. Not to mention, most of those contacts had no idea what was going on at the top of all this.

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Where stories live. Discover now