Chapter 33: Blamed Hero

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty Three: Blamed Hero

(These represent the voice in Tiger's head. No one else ever hears it, just Tiger.)

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.'.

////These always represent things that happen in the past.////

The Den, Yakko's room...

Caress laughed happily at her new baby brother. "He's really tiny like Enchanted used to be." She touched his ear lightly.

The new baby was just sleeping and had curled up on a pillow Yakko had placed it on.

Yakko was watching it like a hawk. He didn't realize just how small it really would be! If it fell, it would instantly die. If it rolled over and it couldn't roll back, it would suffocate and die. There were SO many things to watch out for!

Wakko was there watching too. He was holding Enchantment for a little while so Yakko could focus on the new arrival. "I know he's small, but he'll be okay." Wakko said, trying to ease Yakko up a bit. "You'll see Yakko. Dot did it three times."

"Well, yeah for her," Yakko whined. "Look at it, Wakko. It's just-!" What word would even fit?

"I think it looks almost like a newborn puppy," Wakko laughed. "The way it's all curled up and how small it is. Just his tiny red nose and little ears give it away."

Scratchansniff was on the side of them smiling. "Yes. I think it gives a new meaning to ze phrase puppy children."

Wakko had to laugh. Puppy children. That's what Scratchy used to call them back in the day. The horrible puppy children. Wakko chuckled. 'In our lifetime, it wasn't that long ago. Somehow, it feels so long ago though. Our simple days on Earth.' He sighed and smiled at his newborn nephew.

Tiger watched all of them from the outside and played with his paddleball.

(You see? Yakko is it's daddy. He won't leave it's side. And where is mommy? I told you Tiger. She's dying.)

Tiger shook his head and started to leave.

(She's dying. She's in bed. Her death bed!)

Tiger ignored the voice as best he could. He tried smiling. "Hellooo!" He waved at warners as he passed. "Helloooo! Hi!"

(Don't ignore it Tiger! Mommies making him play daddy now because she won't be around!)

Tiger stopped calling out to warners and he started to run. Run anywhere.

(Then go! Go see her! If she's fine, go see her!)

'I will!' Tiger yelled in his head as he went to his mommy's room. Dot was standing near it.

"Hiya Tiger." Dot grinned. She pointed behind her. "You're mommy's sleeping. She's really exhausted, so she needs some time off. Okay?"

"Why?" Tiger whined. "I heard warner births were easy. Why is she so tired?"

"There were just some complications." Dot smiled. "She's fine now though. Relax."

Tiger nodded his head and started to walk away.

Just An Experiment: Animaniacs Epic Novel (Back in Black and White Edition)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat