Chapter 28: Paddleball Memories

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Author's Note: These chapters. These early chapters, right here. Enjoy them. They are serene, they are funny. Nothing's really wrong for them all. When things start turning downward, and it gets really emotional, if you need to feel better, come on back here. Come on back when things were just real sweet.

Because they won't be sweet like this forever . . .

Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty Eight: Paddleball Memories


If the letters are in caps LIKE THIS. It means Tiger is just remembering parts of the old recording.

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.

////These always represent things that happen in the past.////


Shopping Area...

The mysterious seven plus one were watching carefully, but trying to stay out of the way as they watched the Warner Brothers and their families shop.

"Are you sure about this?" Dot asked Yakko again. "Really. I don't mind."

"No way. We have to get you guys some regular clothes." Yakko insisted. "Don't worry. I have enough to cover it."

"What is so big about clothes?" Scratchansniff had to ask. Dot kept making a big deal about Yakko buying the clothes over and over for some reason.

"Well old guy. Clothes aren't cheap here." Zenny smiled. "It's just not the same thing."

"Well, everyone needs clothes to cover up." Scratchansniff explained. "Surely you can't mean something everyone needs would be expensive."

"No one really needs them except girls. It just helps say 'Hey! I'm different than you!' " Wakko laughed.

"It also tells them about your personality many times," Dot grinned. "Like me? Pink. Cute."

"Okay, but why so expensive?" Scratchansniff continued to be confused.

"Your driving us nuts, Scratchy. Can't ya just enjoy the sunny day?" Yakko smiled.

Scratchansniff sighed.

"Alright, alright." Yakko gave in. "How many times do we actually go to a laundry mat?"

"A laundry mat?" Scratchansniff asked. "Eh? Well, I don't know."

"Hardly ever! You have to hardly ever wash them." Wakko pointed to a shirt. "They only look like they are made of cotton and polyester and things like that."

"Helloooo! Can I help you?" A warner bounced over to them and looked over at Dot and Aroma. "Ah! I am called Desig my beautiful ladies! You really need a new fashion statement, don't you?"

"Oh, do we ever!" Dot grinned.

Desig looked at Dot carefully. ""

"Got it. I always wear a pink dress." Dot smiled.

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