Chapter 26: Grammy Happy

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty Six: Meeting Grammy Happy


The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.


In their new Den...

Dot laughed as some native little warners were circling Cutie Pie and Junior. "Say hi you two."

"Hi you two," Cutie Pie and Junior laughed.

Junior just laughed at one warner who started to circle them using his hands instead of his feet. "What are you doing?"

"I'm walking, duh!" The warner laughed. He flipped right side up and the other little warners stopped circling.

"Hey! Who are you? Who are you? Who are you?!"

"They are new! I heard it! Mommy told me! I heard it!"

"Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi!"

"Wanna go play with us? You can come play with us! We like to play!

~LalaLaLalA!~! We like to sing. Do you sing? Let's sing! Let's go! Let's get out of here!"

Cutie Pie and Zenny just looked back at their mom. These kids were crazy.

"Go. Go play with them," Dot insisted. "It'll do you some good. Go."

Cutie Pie and Zenny just looked at each other. Then suddenly got pulled away by a bunch of little warners. They yelled back at their parents, but Dot and Zenny just smiled.

"Boy, I hope that helps them," Zenny said. He looked over at Dot. Yakko was probably still stuck at the front of the Den. "Everything's gonna be okay now." Zenny held Dot closer to him. "We're a family again. Nothing's ever gonna change that."

Dot sighed happily and hugged Zenny back. If you would have asked her years ago what guy she most loved, she'd say one of the hottest stars of the time. Now, she knew better. Looks didn't really matter as much as what was on the inside. She thought about the first time she first found out she was pregnant with her son. The first time her and Zenny met...

////Dot was growling at the warner who just entered her cage. "You? I'm supposed to be your female? You're not even cute!"

Zenny didn't look too happy himself. He just learned about the situation too. "Well, you're not exactly what I was expecting either. Maybe we could just try and get along right now. That would be a good start." He tried to smile. "My name's Zenny."

"Your name's I-Don't-Care! How can you be so 'cool' about this? Huh! I am stuck with you. Even when I get out, I'm still stuck with you?!" Dot yelled angrily. "Well, no way. Uh uh. Count me out, I'd rather take Lovers Loburn then end up with someone I don't know," she practically snarled. "You come near me and you'll regret it."

"I'm not forcing myself on you," Zenny said. He took a deep breath. "This isn't easy on either of us. You don't have to come to my cage. I won't ever force a kiss on you or hurt you in any way, I promise."

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