Chapter 39: Aroma's Song

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty Nine: Aroma's Song


Yakko cleared his throat and Wakko checked his breath before they proceeded to where Zenny headed. A local warner hangout for adult warners.

They both walked in steadily. They had never been to a warner hangout on Anima before. They proceeded to walk until they ran into Zenny. They had no idea what they should say, but it didn't matter. Warners never really thought things through. "Hi there."

Zenny smiled at Yakko. "Well, hey. Aren't you Dot's brother?" He looked over at Wakko. "Are you one too?"

Wakko just smiled as he and Yakko sat down.

Yakko motioned for some help with an order. "Yeah, about that though."

A nice looking female warner came over. "Helloooooo Handsome! What can I get for you this fiiiiiine night?!"

"Water," Wakko simply replied. He wasn't in the mood for any beverage surprises.

"One geyser, hold the splash." Yakko grinned at Zenny. "And you?"

"The same," Zenny smiled. He wouldn't turn down a free drink. "So now what? Aroma is definitely not here, so don't hold your breath."

"We're not here about that," Yakko commented. He smiled. "Granted, I am after your sister, I won't lie. But Dot liked you, I've got no part in that."

"Uh huh." Zenny didn't sound convinced.

"She does. I know she might have moved a little quick. She tends to," Yakko laughed.

"She's a real ball of energy and she doesn't really watch what she says," Wakko added.

"I knew it." Zenny sighed and watched their drinks being served at the table. "You were watching."

"Trust our baby sister alone with some guy?" Yakko shook his head and layed out some wiggles next to the drinks. "Heck no. But, what you said really hurt her feelings."

The server winked at him and took the wiggles.

"What do you mean I hurt her feelings?" Zenny had to ask. "You heard her. Do I look like I'm dad material?"

"Thought you were," Yakko confessed. "Then again, I guess appearances can be deceiving."

Zenny looked at what he himself was wearing. It was just his usual blue jeans and blue jacket. His shades had been tucked into his jacket but he brought them out and started to wear them. "Well, I am not no daddy. Your sister's nice, but you can't chain a warner like me down. The word 'dad' is not in this warner's dictionary." He pulled out a dictionary from nowhere and opened it up. Between dab and day, dad was missing in it. He put it back away.

Yakko couldn't help but smile. It was true. Zenny wasn't an instant great number one father of the year after all. "I know what you mean!" Yakko had to admit. "Kids are a pain. They change your whole life."

Wakko didn't say a word about that.

"Yeah, I could never change diapers." Zenny chuckled as he started to drink his geyser.

"I hate that too. And those dang 'good going, kid' you always have to use with them." Yakko began his own little rant. "Praising them, watching them draw the same thing over and over again. The feeding and the whining. Ugh!" He picked up his drink and swirled it around. "Then those tiny newborns, way too tiny! Way too stressful."

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