Chapter 53 Part 2: Is It Really Goodbye Scratchy?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Fifty Three Part Two: Is It Really Goodbye Scratchy?


Scratchansniff sighed once again. He stared at the ring in it's little box.

He was supposed to be a psychiatrist? After what he was going to do? 'I'm crazy, I should not have bought this.' He was waiting for Samantha. They were supposed to be having their dinner together. He closed the box and hid it away as the door rang. "Coming!" He practically ran to the door to stare at Samantha. "You made it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, Scratchy." Samantha looked so happy. "What are we eating tonight my dear psychiatrist?" she chuckled.

Scratchansniff led her over to the food being prepared. He couldn't help but smell her perfume. She always smelled so nice. How could he have ever let her go? It was only some time ago that she finally confessed the truth. Samantha didn't know her family, she was making everything up. It was so by-the-book, how could he miss it? The way she seemed to long so much for her home. The way she said Burbank was not her real home.

He was so thankful that she came back. In fact, he had been miserable without her. He hadn't realized just how much spark she put in his life until she was gone. He had missed her so much. Way too much for a casual girlfriend. Way too much for a casual anything. "Smells good, ja?"

"Ja!" Samantha giggled happily. She loved his accent. It was the perfect combination of sexy and goofy. Oh, it was such a good thing Dot made her come back. Once she told him the amnesia story, he admitted everything was a lie. The baby on the way, the other woman, everything. She felt too strongly for Otto. "Mmmm. Smells really good. What did you fix?"

"Spaghetti," Scratchansniff said.

"Ooh." Samantha gave him a come-hither grin. "Are we playing Lady and the Tramp again? Which one am I supposed to be tonight?" She laughed as she saw Scratchansniff's face turn red.

Scratchansniff stirred the spaghetti. "Could you go und sit on ze couch? Eet is almost done mein liebchen." He looked down into his suit pocket temporarily. 'No, no. Too soon. I need to help her find out who she is.' "Samantha, how are your memories today? Anything new?"

That was the only thing wrong with everything. It was perfect, but it was still a lie. "No, not today," Samantha said softly. She loved Otto Scratchansniff so much, it was hard to lie, but what could she do?


Who cares where...who cares when...

Rita looked over at Yakko. She'd been so close to telling him. She walked beside Tiger as they went down some alley in some time. It was time to run again.

"So, is this all you do? Is just run?" Yakko asked Tiger.

Tiger didn't reply.

Yakko shoved his hands in his pockets. "You know, I haven't eaten for awhile-"

"We're fine," Tiger yelled at him. "So go away and find your own food or starve!"

"I'm not leaving." Yakko smiled defiantly. "Don't matter what you do, I'm not leaving. So nyah! Ooh. What about some hamburgers?"

"We're not hungry," Tiger yelled at him again. "Just get out of here! Get away from me!"

"Nuh uh." Yakko just started humming and skipping. "You really should be nicer. We'd get along great if you'd just be a smidge nicer." He grinned at him. "I could even teach you one of my songs! I taught your sister, I could teach you."

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