Chapter 48 Part 1: Wakko's Decision

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Forty Eight Part 1: Wakko's decision

Wakko was slouching against his cell. Centric was slouching in hers. If glass had not been in the way, they'd be slouching against each other. Today would not be a great day. Centric had to choose today, or someone would choose her as their mate. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay near Wakko. He was so funny and he always smiled. Always smiled, no matter what. He made her feel safe and happy. Even if he was in another cell, it always felt like he could protect her if anything happened.

"You're gonna be fine." Wakko tried to smile for her. "Centric? Don't worry. You're a good warner, you'll be okay!"

Centric sighed but nodded her head. "Thanks, Wakko. I don't really believe that but thanks."

"It's gonna be okay. Motherhood, it'll be great," Wakko laughed. "You know, my sister loves her kids! And my new sister Aroma, she's crazy about them too!" he grinned at her. "They are so different. Expressive. They're really easy to love and they are cute. They are so cute, like little puppies."

That comment did make her smile. "Wakko. Thanks." She looked back at him. "Wakko? Are you sure I'll be okay? I don't know that warner. All I know is, he'll take care of my kids if-"

"Nothing will happen." Wakko grinned while he cut her off. "Nothing at all! Trust me okay? Everything's fine. Everything's happy. You'll be fine. You'll be happy too."

"I know but . . . I'm scared." Centric fidgeted with her fingers. "I just have this feeling something bad is gonna happen. Even if they survive."

"Well..." Wakko couldn't hide it. She already knew something was wrong. "When they get older, they might change."

"Change?" Centric looked over at him. "How so, Wakko?"

"Well?" Wakko whined a bit. He started it though and she had every right to know. "They might sort of become evil and dark, but don't worry!" He grinned. "You'll get out of here. You will. Eventually, I'll figure a way out, and you can get out of here with me."

Centric just smiled sadly at him. "Sure Wakko . . . sure."

"Centric." Wakko just stared at her. Half a year had come and gone. Yakko and the others had never come to get him. He was still in that miserable place. At least, he had had a companion for a little while. Now that she was gone, all he'd have would be Eater. He didn't mind Eater, but he didn't like him as much as Centric. Centric was warm and funny. She wasn't classy and shy but she wasn't outgoing and overly tempered. She was a happy medium. A perfect medium to Wakko. They had loved a lot of the same things. Annoying other aliens, mallet whacking and food. Yeah, she was awesome.

Now, she was leaving. Leaving to someone she didn't even know, to have kids she just wasn't ready for.

Centric looked down at herself. In the last three months, her looks had started to reflect her age. Her ears were more velvety, her tail a little longer, and she had developed into womanhood. Still, she didn't feel like one. Not one that was ready to go some stranger and have kids with him. It was scary...she was scared... "Wakko? Please don't forget me?"

Wakko nodded. "Of course not! You're so fun and lovable, how could I ever forget you?" He smiled. "Never. I'll never forget you, Centric, I promise."

Centric nodded. "Wakko? Since I'm leaving soon...I've always wanted to tell you my real name."

"But you'll get in trouble!"

"It's important to me though. I don't want you to just remember my number or Centric. Centric's what my brothers call me. Centric's what I like to use with casual people. The ones I really appreciate, who are closest to me, call me by my real name." She sat up and looked at Wakko. She pulled out some water that she still had from lunch and stuck her fingers in it. This glass was special and simply rubbing fingers wouldn't leave an imprint. Even the wetness of the water would only last for a second. She'd only get a couple letters at a time if she was lucky.

Still, she took her fingers and wrote her name backwards so Wakko would see it. It might not be important to him, but it was important to her. It took her several tries and it was a slow process.

Wakko watched carefully, no matter how long it took. 'I...R...I...D...E...S...C...E...N...'

Before she could finish her cage had been opened. Her second choice had just walked in. The water spilled onto the ground as she looked at him nervously.

"Let's go to my cell," he smiled kindly.

"Why can't she stay here?" Wakko growled at him. "She likes it here."

The warner ignored him. "My cell is farther away from all these screams you always hear. You're gonna start having my babies, you need to get away from here, and concentrate on happy things." He grinned. He held out his hand. "I'll be nice, Centric. Trust me."

Centric slowly started to grab his hand. She couldn't help but tremble as she did so.

"It's okay. I'll be an excellent male, I promise." He gently squeezed her hand. "Don't worry, Centric. Now let's go. You'll like my place a lot better. Soon, it'll feel like home."

"It's not her home!" Wakko yelled at him. "This isn't her home either, but it's better than your place! She's got friends here!"

"She'll make new friends." The warner frowned at him. "Stop taking such interest in my female."

"Don't call her that, she's Centric!" Wakko snarled at him. He hated him! He hated this warner sooo much! He was being nice . . . and he hated him! He was being gentle with her...but he still hated him! Wakko wasn't one to hate so much. It was natural a warner that old wanted a female and a family. Still....he was seething. "You don't deserve her! You don't even know her! I know her! I'm the one who knows her!"

"Stop talking! She's mine now!" The warner started to tug Centric more roughly. "Come! You are never speaking to this warner again!"

"Centric," Wakko called out to her. "Remember me. Don't ever give up hope! You enjoy your kids. You have fun and stay zany."

Centric wanted to speak back to him, but she had been forbidden to speak by her future male. "....Wakko."

"I said don't speak to him!" Her warner tugged her more rougher.

"Centric! Please? I..." Wakko didn't know what to say. "What's the rest?"

Centric looked sadly at him. "...T."

"I said stop talking! You are not getting on my good side!" Her warner yelled at her. "I'm gonna be good to you, but you have to start obeying me. I'm gonna be your male."

Wakko growled. A deep dangerous growl. He didn't understand it, but when that warner said that sentence his blood started to boil. He was gonna take Centric away. She was the one thing keeping Wakko going! She was making him happy. Even if he was trapped in a cage, he felt more happy being near her than any other female in his life. 'He doesn't deserve her. He doesn't know her! He won't make her happy. I'm the one who knows her. I'm the one who makes her happy!

"Interesting." One of the observers strutted by and noticed the tussle. He looked at the three warners. The female did not want the male specimen in her cage. She seemed interested in the other male specimen. The other male seemed very territorial too."...add the female specimen to the cage next to her. Take the other warner back."

The guards started to seize Centric.

Wakko froze. "...what?" He watched as Centric got tossed into his cell. "..."

Centric looked at him in a similar manner. "..."

"..." Wakko laughed nervously. "...hi?"

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