Chapter 35: Not Right

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Thirty Five: Not Right



One week later...

Yakko couldn't put his finger on it. For a week now, something's been buzzing in the back of his mind. What was it? Neither Wakko or Dot knew, but they didn't really sense it either. It was getting worse and worse everyday though. The feeling, that something wasn't right.

Yakko was outside of the water tower, looking up at the sky. The strange clouds in the small vicinity hadn't changed in the last week since it appeared.

"Yakko. Are you still out here?" Dot grinned as she came out. "Come on, what's wrong with you?"

Yakko shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Something doesn't feel right." He stared at Dot for some time. She looked fine. Happy, cute, exactly like she should. But, he kept getting very strange images when he looked at her. Small flashes with her actually in a full dress, looking pretty. 'Why do I keep seeing that?' "I'm coming." He smiled and went back inside.

It wasn't only Dot either. Everytime he first glanced in a mirror, he himself looked taller. Just, strange little things. Why? Why did everything feel so wrong?



Aroma was just humming as she walked along.

"Hellooooooo Aroma!" A warner shouted as he came up right beside her. He held a small flower in his hand. "I bought this just for you today."

Aroma seemed unimpressed and looked at the tiny flower. It was white and on a small ring. Not very impressive at all. "What? No."

"Take a hike." Zenny frowned as he followed beside his sister.

The poor warner sighed. He had pursued Aroma over 2 decades now, and still no bite. He looked at his tiny ring flower. He tried to catch back up with her. "Aroma, come on! This thing set me back 16,000 wiggles!"

Aroma stopped and looked over at him again. She was far from interested in him. "Well, take it back."

Zenny shooed the warner away again. He looked over at his sister. "Geez sis, that guy's more annoying than all of them put together." He watched him finally leave. "I can't believe mom and dad want him to be your male."

Aroma scoffed. "Please. That's never gonna happen." She continued to walk.

"Well, he is a singer." Zenny added.

"Was a singer." Aroma corrected him. "That's the only reason mom and dad like him."

"Yeah. You're gonna end up with someone much better than that." Zenny smiled at Aroma. "Someone who can appreciate you for who you-"

"Helloooooooo Aroma!!"

"...are." Zenny finished as he finally got 'rid' of all the warners that appeared. "That oughtta take care of them."

"Ha." Aroma just laughed. "No way. I'm not ending up with anyone, period. That would mean kids and no more fun. What am I, crazy?"

Zenny smiled. Aroma was a fun-loving, adorable but high-class warner. A strange and dangerous combination. Her singing and talents attracted warners from everywhere to her. High class, middle class, low class, all of them came hoping to finally land her.

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