14. Revenge is Sweets

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and a couple of extras. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Fourteen: Revenge is Sweets


15 minutes later at the facility....

Dot laughed and danced around by herself, Polka Dot was also bouncing around. Whatever happened, they didn't know. All they knew was when the satellites came back Yakko and Wakko were grinning from ear to ear, the bad guys all bound and gagged.

////satellite view/////

"Ja. I don't really remember what happened." Scratchansniff was telling the police as camera crews started to show up. "I was just very scared und I knew my life was in grave danger. Then, somehow the Warner Brothers saved me and brought me down from the tower."

"What about you?" A camera man asked Caress. "Can you tell us what happened?"

Caress held on tighter to her Uncle Yakko's trousers. "...I was saved by my Uncles."

The police started to take the real Burbank Studio Slaughterers away and Yakko and Wakko just waved triumphantly.

"Bye. Don't forget NEVER to write." Yakko laughed as he waved.

////end satellite view////

Inside the facility, Dot and Polka Dot couldn't help themselves.

"Alright, okay." Dot laughed as she yelled out loud. "Send the survey please. I'm ready to write how I feel about my brothers messing up your WHOLE experiment.."

"Yeah. 1-5 on how I feel?." Polka Dot bounced with her baby Enchantment. "Boingy. Boingy. 1 being least happiest, 5 being most?. Boingy. Boingy. Boingy. 6 and a HALF.."

"Yeah. 6 and a half." Dot laughed as she danced around. "And a 7. No, a ten."

Yeah, a ten. A full ten.." Polka Dot cheered. Caress was gonna be okay. She didn't know how, but she didn't care. Caress was still alive and well..


The facility, headquarters...

The observer of Yakko and Wakko gulped. Dr. Fay would not be happy her experiment failed.

When Dr. Fay walked in, anyone could tell she was upset. "Do you have any data on what happened?"

"Ma'am, somehow the satellites went down all over. This experiment, the missing gap, I'm not sure what happened." The observer tried to explain.

"The signal. Did it move?" Dr. Fay practically growled.

"Dr. Fay, we cannot trace signals without the satellites." The observer replied nervously. "There's no way of knowing where they moved during the lost time."

"FIND a way." Dr. Fay said firmly. "I want to know why my experiment failed."

"Yes ma'am. Of course, ma'am." The observer said as Dr. Fay started to go away.

Dr. Fay marched down the halls angrily. Countless experiments had been messed up. At least 100 results were inconclusive. Someone messed up her satellites. Who? WHO could have possibly tangled with them. How?. 'There are only a few beings who know about them. Only one, who would attempt to bring it down.' She growled. 'My little pet mouse...is that you?'

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