Chapter 23: Meeting HIM

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Author's Note: Included a song video. Give it ten seconds of your time to learn the tune. You'll be glad you did, and in later chapters, you'll understand it's significance even more. 


Dr. Fay's ship...

"How strange. This is fortunate. This is very fortunate Pinky." The Brain couldn't help but give a very small smirk.

"What's fortunate Brain? A fortune cookie?" Pinky smiled.

"No, look. These are the coordinates to all of Dr. Fay's ships. They all have tracking devices upon them." Brain couldn't help but smirk more. "This is it, Pinky. There is no more need for alarm, the universe shall be safe." He went over to the phone and dialed in Zenny's cell number.


Zenny's ship...

Zenny answered the phone with delight. So far, things had gone pretty good. They were only a few hours away from retrieving the doctor on Earth, then they'd be on their way. "Hey Mr. R. What's up? Really?" Zenny sounded real excited. He looked over at Wakko. "Hey Wakk, do you have some paper?"

Wakko grabbed some paper and handed it over. No dirty looks were given, but neither was a smile. There was still too much tension between the feuding family.

Zenny ignored his attitude and took the paper. He was never a warner to hold a grudge. Unless his family was involved, usually Zenny was pretty lax in any situation. "So? Okay..." Zenny listened to The Brain's coordinates. "Okay. Wow, 20 huh? Thanks Mr. R, we'll take care of it right away!" Zenny looked over at Dot who was only a few feet away. "Great news! Brain actually found tracking devices on all the Dr. Fay ships! There's 20!"

"You're kidding?" Dot yelled delightfully. She started to bounce up and down with Aroma. "This is great!"

"Yeah," Wakko grinned. "Still, we should be careful. Let's go to Anima for a few months anyhow, just in case."

"Good thinking, Wakko," Zenny smiled. "Sounds really concrete though. Who knew we could find something like that hiding in the database? I'm gonna call out to all the space jurisdictions. It should all be over in a matter of hours, no more worries."

Aroma sighed and came over to her brother. "Zenny? Could it really be true? Could we really be free again, no one chasing after us anymore? No more experiments?"

"Yeah sis." Zenny looked kindly at his sister. "No more worries for you."

"Everything is super? Okey-dokey? This fast?" Dot smiled. "It's so hard to believe. Could it really be happening? Are we all finally safe, once and for all?" She went over and gave Wakko a big bear hug. Then, she ran to the other side of the ship to give Yakko an even bigger bear hug.

Yakko had heard the whole thing, but he hadn't been as 'interactive' with everyone. He had felt out of place since learning that he had become a dad. He tried to pull off the 'act-like-an-uncle-for-now' role, but he still felt strange as he looked at Caress and the others. Still, he tried to act like his old self, weird feelings or not. "That's great, Dot. A few months on Anima, then we can go back to our Tower Sweet Tower. Just the..." He started counting on his gloved fingers, 'til he ran out of fingers. He sighed. "11 of us. Soon to be 12."

"Well, the more the merrier!" Dot grinned. That was a lot of warners for one town though.

"The more the merrier." Yakko tried to smile. Truth was, he didn't really believe that anymore. Was it selfish to want things back to normal? The Warner Brothers and their sister Dot? The warner trio?

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