Chapter 60: Losing It

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Sixty: Losing It

Tiger stared evenly at The Tiger. This was it. There was no turning back now.

The Tiger was oblivious of all the time that had gone by. To him, they were still at the exact time when he had been frozen. "You're a fool, Tiger. You will never defeat me."

"You." Tiger growled at him and started to circle him to the right.

"Yeah, me." The Tiger grinned as he started to circle Tiger to the left.

"You took everything away," Tiger yelled at him. "You took my family. You separated them. You've done nothing but cause pain to everyone."

"Me? Don't you mean, you?" The Tiger teased him.

"Yeah. Me." Tiger frowned. "You're the me that didn't have the guts to fight back."

"Nah, I like being evil." The Tiger laughed. "It's kinda fun. Too bad you're never gonna see just how much fun it is."

It was over in a matter of seconds. Tiger was on the ground, bleeding from his right arm and leg.

"You'll be lucky to even hobble." The Tiger laughed at him as he picked Tiger up and threw him into a set of nearby trashcans. "Now, I gotta go. I've got an appointment with someone. Enjoy the afterlife for me."

Tiger watched helplessly as The Tiger took off. He tried to move, but he was bleeding too bad. 'Is this really it?' He thought back on his life. It wasn't worth anything. Nothing. He'd been worthless. He couldn't help his family, and now The Tiger was off to hurt them. First, he would go to when Mikey was conceived probably. Then again, The Tiger was always heartless. He'd probably wait until Mikey's mom and dad were reunited in 2007. Yeah, that made sense now.

Even if Mikey wasn't killed, he would be raised by his dad, not by the scientists. He never would have met Cutie Pie or Shy or anyone. Hence, he would not have stayed back in 2007 and taken the kids. The Tiger would go get them now.

He failed. He failed miserably.

"Give into it."

Tiger looked up at a face he had never seen. " . . . "

A warner smiled down at him. "Give in. Give into anger, Tiger. That's the only way to stop him."

"I'll. I'll never give in," Tiger managed to choke out.

"Just a little?" The warner continued to smile. "Trust me, I want to save them too! Me and Hope."

"Hope?" Tiger's eyes became wide. "You're Warner?"

"Of course!" The warner smiled. "I'm always here to make sure everyone gets a happily ever after." He gently helped Tiger to his feet. "Don't be afraid, kid, just give in to your hatred a little. A little won't hurt. Then, you can go stop him."

"Are you sure?" Tiger didn't want to get his hopes up. Could he really defeat him?

"Yeah." The warner grinned. "Trust me. Defeat The Tiger, keep the universe from falling apart, and go back to your family. Times a wastin'."

"Yeah?" Tiger couldn't help but feel a little hope. He started to hobble away. "Just a little. Not much. I can do it . . ." Warner said he could do it. Maybe there was a way. He had to stop The Tiger. Now. He was still so weak though. He didn't have that much energy for even feeling out The Tiger in time travel. Instead, he went with his instincts. He knew where The Tiger would eventually show up.

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