Chapter 29: Fluffy Fishing

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty Nine: Fluffy Fishing


If the letters are in caps LIKE THIS. It means Tiger is just remembering parts of the old recording.

The Anima language is always translated into English for you from this point on. If the characters are by themselves only or with Scratchansniff, they are speaking English. Too bad Scratchy doesn't get a translation too.^^'.

////These always represent things that happen in the past.////


One week later...
The Den, activity room 15...

Caress smiled over at her brother Tiger. Lately, her brother had acted really distant. Even she couldn't really talk to him. Luckily, he was slowly getting better. "Tigey? Do you want a red one?" She handed him a wax crayon for his drawing.

Tiger tried to smile and took it. He still couldn't really smile, and he still didn't feel real happy, but his mom and his sister were talking to him again. He went back to his drawing. He was trying to draw a warner. Something new! So far, it didn't look right. It was too scribbly, but he could still see it.

"Hello sweetie." Aroma bounced over to Tiger and looked at his drawings. Seeing only red, white and black she knew what he was drawing. "Good job. Is that you?"

"No. It's just a warner." Tiger looked at his mom and gave a half-smile. "Is it good mommy?"

"One of the best!" Aroma grinned. She had been so worried about her boy for so long, but over the past week he seemed to be getting better. He was still a bit 'spooky' to some, but he could join conversation and was really trying to smile. He still wasn't happy, and the fright in his eyes was still there, but he was getting better. He was a long ways away from his grinning and happy self, but he was getting closer. Better and better everyday.

"I'm missing something mommy." Tiger looked at his picture. "What am I missing?"


Tiger looked up and saw Yakko grinning at him.

"You need ears kid. That's it." Yakko replied. Then, he went back to reading his book. For a whole week he had to wash, change, hold and feed Enchantment. It was good to get used to the kid, but NOT for a week. He was always reading one of the many books Grammy Happy kept giving him now, to ensure he wouldn't have to. He liked challenging authority, but not from an ancient. They could make a warner's life hell if they wanted. He was just finishing up the chapter on praise. 'When your son or daughter is trying to accomplish a great achievement it is always best to give praise. Examples: Good Job. Well Done. I'm proud of you. Good going.' "Good going kid." Yakko added to his statement.

Tiger started to crack his very first smile. The first smile in a long, long time. 'Daddy liked it! He thought it was good? He liked it! Daddy liked it!' Tiger went straight to work working on the ears.

Caress grinned too. She saw her brother's smile! 'Finally! Yeah Tiger. You'll be okay.'

Aroma had been paying too much attention to Enchantment to see it. She was back to mostly holding the baby warner again. Except every once in a while, Yakko would take her when the ancient came by. For appearances. Still, that forced weekend did do him some good. If need be, he knew how to take care of her now.

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