Chapter 20: T.I.G.E.R.S?

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Twenty: T.I.G.E.R.S?

(Reading on computer is in-between parenthesis)


The facility base…

"…" Aroma and Dot just looked at each other. They just received the crash course version of everything that had happened.

"Dr. Fay was raised here too? There are many of them? They perfected a cookie that gives warners unlimited anger power?" Dot said, making sure she got it all correct.

"Yeah." Wakko nodded his head. "That's pretty much it. Not very good, is it?"

"Oh, I don't know. The universe could be due for a makeover." Dot frowned. "But an evil person bent on ruling it is just isn't the right kind of designer for the job."

"I think you're right." Aroma pulled a poster out of nowhere. On it was a picture of space and a big banner on the top that said 'Designer For Hire'. "Dot or I would be much better at it."

Wakko and Yakko suddenly had heart bubbles popping from their heads. Aroma wasn't only hot, she had a great sense of humor. Of course, all warners had a sense of humor, but hers wasn't corny or cheesy! It was in synch with theirs. Oh, no Earthlings EVER were that attractive and had a sense of humor.

Dot went over to Wakko and popped his bubbles. "We aren't pretending to be cartoons anymore, cool it," Dot laughed.

Yakko coughed. "Anyhow, the Brain thinks the universe is pretty much screwed. Anyone have a second option?"

"I don't really know." Wakko shrugged his shoulders. As nice as Aroma is, they'd seen Zenny in action. No going there. "How would you stop an army of Dr. Fay's and a cookie?"

"I don't know?" Aroma shrugged. "A couple of malpractice suits and a glass of milk?"

Dot started to laugh at the joke.

Meanwhile, Yakko and Wakko just started to stare at her and grinned. Oh, she was PERFECT.

"Uhhh…" Dot went over to her brothers and pushed them back a little further. "Easy on the jokes Aroma, these guys are ticking time bombs."

"Well…okay." Aroma agreed. She had a good joke about ticking time bombs, but Dot was right. Last thing she needed was warner guy trouble without Zenny nearby. She did glance over at Yakko though. 'He really seems to like me. Either he's not a one female kinda guy or he really doesn't want to be a daddy.'

'Oh crap! She's looking at me? She's looking at me?!' Yakko stood up straight, his leg only thumping a little. 'Does she like me? No way! Females always run from me! But she looked at me? Was it just a passing glance? Do I do something? Wait, I can't! That Zenny guy would kick my ass! What do I do?' He tried to smile at her in a charming fashion.

Instead it turned out to be a goofy looking grin.

Aroma stopped looking at him. 'What was that look? Is that a come-and-get-me or is it an I-just-farted?' She backed up a little, just in case it was the second.

Dot backed up thinking it could be the same thing. "Okay, jokes aside for a minute. The end of the universe is probably not the best thing to crack jokes about."

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