Chapter 61:The Wrath of The Tiger

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Disclaimer: I do not own Animaniacs. Yakko, Wakko and Dot and all of the other characters belong to their own respective owners. I only created Tiger and Caress and some other original characters. I claim no rights to any of this. This was made purely for entertainment. No profit is made off of this.

Just An Experiment

Chapter Sixty One: The Wrath of Tiger

The Warners all blinked. What did he just say?

Aroma stared at Tiger. "You didn't just say . . . I was hearing things . . ."

"No, I don't think so." Tiger smiled. "I said I brought them here so I can kill you in front of them. Did ya hear me" He laughed maniacally.

The Warners eyes all grew wide. Zenny held Dot and his family close beside him, while Yakko went over to Aroma, Caress still firmly in his grip.

"What do we do? Your kids changed!" Wakko looked over at Yakko. "Yakko?!"

"Oh, you see I figured it out," Tiger said. "Yeah, that's right. I'm Tigers now. Tiger is loooooooong gone." He laughed maniacally again. "Now, on with the slaughtering."

"You keep your damn hands off of my family," Zenny threated Tigers.

"Or what 'Uncle' Zenny?" Tigers just chuckled. "You'll call me evil?"

Yakko continued to stare at Tigers. What was he supposed to do now? If Tigers defeated The Tiger, and he was unstoppable, how could they ever beat him?

"Yaddyyy!" Caress yelled as she clung onto Yakko tightly.

"Don't worry. I'll make it quick." Tigers smiled at them all. "I just need them to see you die in some horrible manner that will scar them and anger them, thus changing them into angry warners. I won't do it slow like the other me did. Fuck that!"

"Tiger!" Yakko yelled at Tigers. "Fight back. I know you're in there. Come on? Please? You went to save us, not kill us!"

"Yeah. Twisted isn't it, daddy?" Tigers just laughed. He hummed a familiar little tune. "dadadada dadadada ain't we got fuuunnn?" He sang. "Yep. That one was fun. You guys were great on Earth in those old times, weren't you? Just a bit crazier and maybe we could have been partners, dad."

"We would never partner with you!" Wakko yelled. "You're evil. You're horrible. just ruin lives!"

"Ruin? Sorry, didn't mean to ruin. I'll just kill from now on," Tigers chuckled. "Okay, who's first....maybe good old ma?"

"Not on your life!" Yakko and Zenny yelled together.

"Fight back, Tiger! I know you are in there!" Yakko yelled at Tigers. "We need your help! Please?"

"You're not reaching anybody," Tigers just smiled. "Okay, then maybe I should take out. Hmmm, oh wait." Tigers snapped his fingers. "Oh, that's right. Huh, almost forgot. What a dumb ass I am. My future self lost control and his powers when he killed Aroma Therapy. So, hmmm, I've got it." He pointed straight at Dot. "Hellooooo Auntie Dottie! Goodbyyyyeeee Auntie Dottie!"

The Warner Brothers and Zenny all gathered around Dot protectively.

"You are not hurting our sister!" Wakko yelled aggressively.

"You're not laying a hand on Dot!" Yakko yelled just as aggressively.

"Momma?" Cutie Pie squeezed her mother as tight as she could.

"Don't let him touch her, all it takes is a mere touch!" Yakko warned everyone.

Tigers wiggled his fingers threateningly. "A touch. A simple, simple touch."

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