Chapter Four

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"So...what happened?" Cato's hand was bloodied and bruised. He had ignored my question, putting rubbing alcohol on his fist. He winced, gritting his teeth. I got to my feet and had taken the cotton ball from his hand. "Your doing it again. Ignoring me"

"I'm sorry Okay. Just things are going on in my head"

"I say we just kill him" his eyes had widen at my sudden response. I took his bruised hand, gently dabbing it with the alcohol.

"No too easy. Must be a real reason he came back. He's also the bosses son. Can't do that or It will kill the whole institute"

"Anybody can be taken down. We just have to find his weakness. I want him to suffer Cato. Just like I suffered" I took a bandage wrap and had began to wrap his knuckles.

"I wish it was that easy my little love bug" I teared off the loose pieces as I finished wrapping it. I then felt his hands go on my waist , pulling me closer to him. All I could do was stare at him, my hands at his chest. "You need to stop worrying about what will happen to the cat. I will take care of everything"

I sighed. "I know. It's just he took so much away from me. He took my whole life away"

"I know little bug..." he pulled me in closer to him, kissing my forehead. "...I Know" He then had let his chin rest on my head, I was completely engulfed by him.

"Remember what I asked you earlier?"

"About what?"

"That mission" he stepped back, glaring down at me.

"That I said no to" I shrugged.

"I need something to kill. Plus if we kill this bar hopper I get some extra cash and extra street cred. They say he's a MMA fighter from America"

"No too dangerous"

"Is it really that dangerous? Or you just scared I'll get too carried away with the seducing part" He stiffened again. I hit a nerve. "Don't worry baby. I'll save some for you too"

He rolled his shoulders in annoyance. "Fine. Go. Come back before twelve. I'm not cleaning blood off of you after that"

"Give me until one, he might take a while" I heard him growl.

"Twelve Thirty"



"You are not going out like that" this was about the third dress I've tried on that he's said no to.

"Why? It's not as tight as the last two"

"What are you trying to be a hoe?"

"That's kinda the point right now! God your annoying!" All he could do was smirk. "I'm wearing this one okay? Good bye Cato" I went towards the door but he was fast enough that he stopped me from walking out.


"Cato. Babe. Remember how we had this conversation earlier....your period doesn't last one day! You idiot" his eyes had then raised in alarm.

"So you weren't going to-"

"No!" His eyes blinked a few times before he shrugged.

"Dress in something slutty then. I can't give a fuck anymore" he stepped out of my way of the door, his arms still crossed over his chest. He still looked mad.

"Don't worry baby" I stood on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll be back...Twelve Thirty. I just need to...get rid of the stress of everything around me"

"He keeps saying he never hit you with his car. He sweared to it saying he loves you"

I bit my lower lip. "You know I don't like the word love. I guess now I know something about him...he's a liar"


The club had been blasting with music. Sitting at the bar was becoming dull. I still haven't seen my target all night. I glanced at my phone. Eleven Twenty five. He should have been here by now. I turned back to the bartender, ordering another drink. He got it to me right away. I didn't even notice a new man had sit right next to me until his voice came out loud over the blaring club music.

"Hey put her drinks on my tab" he motioned to me, only making my head turn. It was my target. Kevin Morales. They just come on to me way to easily.

"I think I'm fine on handling my own tab" I had replied. Now it's time to reel him in.

"You look as if your waiting for someone. Yet you are lonely. I'm guessing someone had stood you up. I'll pay for your drinks for your sorrows"

"Well you seem to know me so well"

"I'm good with people like that" he shrugged. His drink coming onto the table as well.

"Yet here you are. Alone"

"Actually my friends wanted to stop bar hopping for a bit. But I couldn't stop. I heard this is one of the best clubs in Rome" I nodded taking a sip from my paid drink. There's always benefits to this job. "I'm sorry I'm rambling. I'm Kevin"

"You can call me Ladybug"

"Ladybug? What is that a nickname?"

"It's a European name" I lied. His mouth formed into an 'o'. He didn't question me. Only shrugged.

"Oh cool. So your from here?"

I nodded. "Sure we'll go with that" this guy was just going to keep talking. I have to speed this up. 'Accidentally' I had spilled my drink on myself, pretending the guy behind me had bumped into me. I gasped, standing up... man this drink was really cold. "Oops clumsy me"

"Here let me get some napkins. Excuse me-" he had said to the bartender. This was my chance. Quickly I had pulled out a white pill, popping it into his drink. I swirled it a little bit as his attention was on getting me. I sat back down as he finished, thanking him.

"Now where were we?" He took a sip from his drink. I grinned. Tourist can fall for anything.

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