Chapter Twenty-Four

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Eventually I lost him. I guess I still knew where to hide in this place. I took off my disguise in an alley. I then proceeded to put my hair up in a bun, putting on fake prescription glasses and wearing a baggier shirt.

I didn't want to be noticed, even if I knew anyone here. I know I knew people here, but for all I know they could be gone or have already forgotten about me. But it's fine, because I've forgotten all about them. Quietly I walked into a convenience store, a tourist trap. Souvenirs everywhere. I simply rolled my eyes, grabbing a bag of chips. I went up to the cashier smiling politely and handing him the bag. I then put down the correct amount of Euros. My eyes traced up to the television, the news.

"I'm sorry could you turn that up?" He nodding, turning the volume up for me.

"Mayor Bourgeois has an emergency announcement to make. Right from the Eiffel Tower. This is Amanda Lynn now transferring over to William." The news caster was switched over to a live broadcast from the Mayor. She wore a nicely fitted suit, almost like it was made for her. My eyes narrowed at her familiar face, something about her.

"After everything that has happened in the recent years to this city, it is an honor to say that we can now, as of this moment, rest. The Miraculous leader is dead. Following after his son the police and other investigators have confirmed Gabriel Agreste's death. Now we know what this so called 'Gang' has done to many of our friends and families. What Chat Noir and now Hawkmoth has done are put to an end. Paris you don't have to live in fear anymore. The Miraculous are gone. We are free" My eyes widen. Following his son. The press began to go crazy, asking questions, snapping photos. The Mayor pointed to one of them to answer their question.

"Has it been confirmed all Miraculous's have been moved from France?"

"Nothing is confirmed but we do know both Bosses have been eliminated" She pointed to someone else.

"What about the unsolved disappearance of Marinette Dupain-Chang?" The woman rolled her eyes, tapping her fingers on the podium.

"As said the police and I feel she has become an accomplice in the situation. A case of very bad Stockholm Syndrome" I gritted my teeth. Is that what they call what had happened to me? " Enough questions. That's all" the press tried to ask the Mayor more questions but she was escorted out and back into her hotel. The television was switched back to the news station. A picture of... me and him.

It seems like we were at the tower, I was leaning against it's railing, all dressed up and nice. He was behind me, wrapping his arms around me and kissing on my forehead lovingly. I was smiling. Happy. With him. "Hey that's weird you kind of look like her. What a coincidence" the man behind the counter had said. I smiled at him.

"Oh would you look at that. It is. Hey do you mind getting me a pack of smokes?" He winked.

"No problem" he turned down the television turning is back from me. He unlocked the box where the smokes were. He took out a pack for me putting it on the counter. "They you go miss that'll be..." he wasn't able to continue as I already pulled out my gun.

"Listen it's nothing personal. You know to much..." without another word I shot him. Between the eyes. He stumbled backwards, trying to grab onto something but he was already gone. His body slumped to the ground. I just stared at the blood starting to stream down. Soothing almost. I jumped over the counter, taking the pack of cigarettes out of his hand. I slid them into my pocket looking at his security system of cameras. I shot that too. I glanced up at the television one more time to another picture of us, reloading the gun and shooting again.


"Hey I sent the Cat after you. Where did you go?" I completely ignored Cato. I started to strip off of my disguise feeling uncomfortable. I let my hair loose, putting the glasses on the nightstand. "Marinette..."

"He found me. I don't think he knows I'm back" he sighed. The tv was also on in our room. The news again.

"Man was found shot dead in his convince store by tourist. The intent was unknown and police are now investigating-" I glanced up at it slightly and looked down quickly. Damn that was quick.

"I'm guessing you were busy. He's a mission?" I shook my head.

"He noticed me. Said I looked like the girl on the tv" I put my suit back into its original place, slumping down on the bed. Cato came over, laying down next to me. It was like he was sniffing me?

"Smokes. Why?"

"I don't know just enjoy the smell for some reason" he tilted his head at me. I shrugged him off. I turned my back to him, laying on my side. He wrapped his arm around me flushing me against his chest. "Go away"

"Nope" he popped the p. He sat up trapping me in between his arms. I didn't bother looking at him. "Stop being sad my little bug" he began to sing. I rolled my eyes trying to get out of his grip. "Stop being sad my love. My only love Marinette"

"Cato!" I groaned in annoyance.

"Amore mio... Marinette. È così meravigliosa!" He was screaming at this point. My eyes widen.

"What do I do to get you to shut up!"

"Kiss me"

"Uh huh I'm mad at you remember"

"Oh Marinette" his voice went low, coming closer to my ear. "Questo è ciò che lo rende più caldo"

"Makes what hot- your so fucking dead!" I jumped at him in realization. All he did was laugh and run away from me. I jumped onto his back sending us both tumbling to the floor.  He somehow managed to to flip me onto my back so he could trap me. His head tilted as he stared at me. I smiled at him showing teeth. He mirrored me smiling as well then leaned down to hold my lips in a kiss.

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