Chapter Fourty-Three

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Wedding day

Mature themes. Just a warning. And extra long chapter as well

My hair has barely grown. It should've been way longer by now but for some reason it has stayed the same length. It was depressing. I'm still...terrified about what happened. My stupid hair just being a constant reminder.

Right now I was trying on my dress. Some ladies were fixing it, making it go to my exact measurements. It was a mermaid fit. With ruffles at the end of the 'tail', it was elegant I'll give it that. It framed my figure almost perfectly, yet I felt something was off. I didn't feel right. I'm supposed to be super happy but now I feel...bland. When I got the dress I was over the moon but now as it's getting fitted. I feel...empty. No feelings of excitement. I feel...nothing. I sighed, the tailors leaving as they finished up. Ella walked in with her dress still in the plastic covering. Her hair was still up in curlers, her makeup done nicely. She smiled seeing me and I gave her a polite smile back.

"You look gorgeous! Cato's jaw is going to drop to the floor when he sees you!" She squealed. I giggled a bit just seeing her that excited. She then looked me over. She fixed my hair a bit, framing it to match my face. She then took out her makeup pouch, making me sit on a seat. "I just need to touch up something's" I nodded allowing her. Carefully she began to brush at my cheeks and adjust my makeup. "So you excited?"

"Y-Yea I'm just super nervous" she grinned.

"Obviously" she then sat back. She squealed again. She adjusted my hair for one last time, grabbing the veil. She put it over me then helped me stand up. All I could do was stare at the mirror. Staring at the unfamiliar woman there. Yet she put up a smile for her friend. She added the necklace Cato gave me, it matched perfectly.  "There. Now don't be nervous. After this you and Cato can go to America for your honeymoon and then sooo after I'll be an Auntie and everything is going to be great"

"M-Mitchella!" I turned beet red. She just laughed, tears coming to her eyes.

"I'm sorry just. Your getting me emotional...look how far you've come" she wiped at her eyes, avoiding the mascara to run down her cheeks. "God. Okay. Deep breathe" she took a deep breathe then let out. "Okay. Don't be nervous. The other bridesmaids and I will be in the other room and I'll come get you when it starts. Alright?" She grabbed her dress going to the door. I gave her a short nod waiting until she left. I took a sigh of relief as she left.

All these nerves were getting to me. They were getting the best of me. Okay deep breathe just like Ella.

Okay. I'm fine. I'm fine. It's just wedding day jitters is all. Happens all the time. Yea that's it. I already felt my palms getting sweaty. This is not a good time to be this anxious and nervous. I went to the window staring out. A nice lake view. It calmed me a bit. It's a small wedding, it's not even that big. If it was a huge wedding I can be nervous but it's small, only most of the gangs members and some of Catos relatives. I had no family so yes the wedding is small.

There was a knock at the door. Immediately my head snapped to it. I took another deep breathe walking to the door. I opened it glancing up to see the cat. He wore his mask per gang tradition would advise. His ears flicked, he just stared at me up and down. He was speechless for a moment. Then my throat cleared and he snapped out of his trance like state. "S-Sorry. Just I though you might need this" in his hands was a bouquet of red flowers, in his other hand was my mask.

"Oh thank you. I knew I was forgetting something" I motioned for him to come in and he followed me. I took the mask, going over to the mirror and beginning to put it on. I could feel his stare on me. His gaze just burning through me. I finished putting on the mask, fixing the veil. "Thanks again"

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