Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Am I aloud to tell her now?" Cato just gave me a side glance. "You know after last night of searching all of Paris for her for you kinda would like a reward"

"She isn't some prize cat. Now let me eat my cereal in peace" I rolled my eyes sitting on the stool across from him. He glare at me one more time before averting his gaze.

"Okay. Just thought you know that the building in Rome is almost complete so the rest of the people working here are moving already. Everyone will be relocated by the end of two months"

"Don't rub it in smart ass"

"Maybe you should call your sister. Make sure that everyone there knows of what's required" he dropped his spoon leaning back in his chair and rubbing his eyes.

"Adrien. Just shut up. I know what's required I fucking get it now stop being a dick"

"Is that a threat? Cato I'm the boss here and I don't think that's the proper language for your boss" his fingers had began to tap against the table in annoyance.

"What are you trying to accomplish?" I leaned in closer to him. Smirking.

"I haven't forgot about our little deal. Hong Kong" his eyes widen. "I still need someone there" he scoffed. Picking up his bowl he got up putting it in the sink. He stormed out of the kitchen. Just as he stormed out he almost bumped into Nino. Nino gave a questioning look my way.

"What did you do?"

"It was just a friendly conversation" he chuckled a bit.

"Hey Listen. I don't know how much longer I can hold Alya in a room. Let alone not allow her to go out without someone. She's going nuts on me" I shrugged.

"Your the idiot that decided to get her pregnant this early in the game. Oh wait for the second time" I teased him. He gave me a deadpanned look.

"Oh need to get laid or something I hate when you become this stuck up smart ass" I chuckled along with him. "No but seriously. She's going to walk out of the room one day. See Marinette. Freak the fuck out. That's the end of it"

"Then tell her. Here look I'll look after the little ones you, sit her down at dinner and tell her" he raised a brow.

"You. Take care. Of two babies?" I nodded.

"How hard can it be? Put a toy in front of them boom. They can't crawl yet so they aren't going anywhere" he smiled.

"Oh they crawl. But you said you got this so I trust you"

"Two bottles before bed. Bed time is nine. Three stories before bed. Don't let them eat anything off the floor. Remember no teeth just yet. Television helps them calm down. Please make sure to keep track or it's your head"

"Alya please enjoy your dinner" she passed me the bags that they supposedly needed. She narrowed her eyes at me while Nino led her out. "Don't worry I know I know. Don't kill them, or you will kill me got it" I shut the door behind them sighing in relief. I turned away staring at the twins both sitting in their separate high chairs. Both of them giggled clapping.

"Now which one of you is Nico" one of their eyes snapped up to me. I'm guessing that one. "So your Nilo." I pointed to the other twin. One in purple the other in blue. Okay. "So what do you guys wanna do?"


"I'm sorry"

"I hate you. Legitimately. You so owe me. Like a lot."

"You keep reminding me that everyday. Is that why you call me everyday? To remind me?"

"That is exactly why. But still how are you doing?"

"Same old same old. It's very difficult to not have your Brother bother me with the whole memory thing. Don't even get me started with the cat."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Just your brother and him are keeping things from me."

"Like what?" I sighed, leaning against a nearby wall.

"I don't know something in a file that was urgent. Then Cato is keeping everything cryptic and I feel like he is hiding something"

"It's probably for your own good. He loves you, you know that right?"

"Yea I know. Just I don't get why he keeps pushing my buttons about my memory"

"Even if you say you doubt it, you want your memories back. Maybe not of the cat but your life before"

I hummed. "Maybe anyways Ella-" I went to continue but my eyes traced to something moving in my peripheral vision. A baby? He wore a blue onesie, crawling on the floor giggling. He stopped when he saw me, cooing. I walked up to him bending down to him. "Hey Ella let me call you back" I hanged up the phone, the baby crawling into my lap.

"Hey little...uh buddy. Where's your momma?" He babbled a bit. I got up again looking around the corner for whoever owned him. I looked around the other corner and he stared to whine. I went back to him and his arms showed an upward motion. "You want me to carry you?" He cooed again. Awkwardly I had picked him up. "" I held him out staring at him. He began to clap squealing. I flinched, what the hell is wrong with this kid?

"Let's Find mommy" I began to walk holding him in that awkward position, unsure of what I'm doing. I kept walking, this baby went a long way. I went to the living room area to see two high chairs, a baby bag and toys scattering the floor. I went to set him back on the floor but then the cat strolled in. He was holding another baby, they were twins, the two kids. He wore a tired expression, his hair all messed up, his clothes unfixed and had baby throw up on them?

"Is this...yours?" He sighed in relief, setting the baby in his hands down into the high chair.

"Thank god you found him. Alya would've had my head" he took the baby from my hands, also putting him in the next chair over.

"Alya...?" The name sounded familiar. His eyes widen, stepping closer to me. "Nino's wife right? I didn't know he had kids" his expression relaxed.

"Oh yeah... right. Yea we keep kids confidential in the gang. So I'm babysitting tonight and Nico decided to play hide and seek" the baby babbled again. "Thanks again"

"No problem." He turned away picking up Nico and cradling him perfectly in his arms.

"Hey um. I actually have to get them to bed, do you mind helping a bit?" I tilted my head.

"Help you. With babies? That isn't exactly part of my training"

"It's not exactly part of anyone's training, just hold Nilo until I get his bottle ready, it shouldn't take long" he went over scooping Nilo out of his seat. He walked back over.

"Chat I can't hold a-"

"Sure you can your a woman, womanly instinct" he handed the baby over to me making my eyes widen. What the hell?

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